'Bachelorette' Mom Approves Of Final Choice

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 18, 2003, 9:13 PM

Feb. 19 -- The nation is holding its collective breath over who The Bachelorette will choose when the show finale airs tonight: Will it be the poetry-loving fireman, Ryan, or the smooth-talking account executive, Charlie?

Trista Rehn, the show's star, was pressed to reveal her final decision on ABCNEWS' Good Morning America, but she simply smiled and said "I'm not telling."

The Bachelorette said she'll watch the show's final episode in her hotel room with "her man."

Whomever Rehn decided on, her mother is giving her choice a stamp of approval. Roseanne Rehn refused to divulge who her daughter picked, but said that she can tell which man she picked by listening to her daughter's voice.

"Trista's voice changes when she mentions her new love," said Roseanne Rehn, a retail executive who is divorced from Trista's dad. She says that the suitor that Trista picked is "a lovely young man."

But Roseanne Rehn did say she was sorry to see her daughter toss out Bob, who was the joker among the 25 men. At one point, he performed an Irish jig to try to dazzle Trista but it wasn't enough to get him into the final four picks, much to her mom's disappointment.

"I'm a big fan of a man who can make me laugh," Rosanne Rehn said.

As she watched the show, Rehn saw Trista making out with some of the suitors, and taking dips in the hot tub during dates. Knowing that her friends and neighbors were watching her daughter's intimate moments didn't faze her.

"I'd rather see somebody kissing than somebody getting killed," she said.

Charlie vs. Ryan

Charlie, a 28-year-old accountant from Hermosa Beach, Calif., and Ryan, a 28-year-old firefighter from Vail, Colo., appear to be very different men, but they seem to have managed to get along despite the competition.

While Charlie is more of the sexy/strong type of guy, Ryan is somewhat shy and romantic. Ryan started writing poems about Rehn before he even met her, and he hasn't given his pen a rest since. In the latest episode he was at it again, and Rehn was seen wiping away tears as he read.