Mother of Popular Radio Host Found Dead

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 23, 2002, 11:22 AM

L O S   A N G E L E S, Dec. 23 -- Telling her audience, "I have to talk to youlisteners about something," radio host Dr. Laura then dropped abombshell: "You may have already heard that my mother was foundmurdered."

The host, whose full name is Laura Schlessinger, made theannouncement at the conclusion of her radio program Friday, addingduring an emotional statement that she and her mother had beenestranged for many years.

Interestingly, Dr. Laura isn't the only pop expert to have serious personal problems in the field in which she dispenses advice.

Psychologist Jeffrey Gardere appeared on this morning's Good Morning America to explain how some psychologists sometimes use their own troubled personal experiences to counsel others.

"The bottom line is we [psychologists] can't tell people how to live their lives without admitting that we have issues. Our issues form who we are and influences how we give advice," Gardere said. "That's why we see this tough love of Dr. Laura because evidently this is a woman who has grown up with tough love."

Gardere said that Dr. Laura would better serve her listeners if she admitted her mistakes, using her strained relationship with her mother as an example.

"They need to let people know they are not perfect," said Gardere. "People can learn from their mistakes."

Overwhelmed by Sadness

On her radio show, Dr. Laura said, "I do pray that [my mother] is at peace and [am] confident that thePolice Department will be able to bring justice to this situation.But I am overwhelmed by sadness," she said.

The body of Yolanda Schlessinger, 77, was found Monday in herBeverly Hills condominium. Police would say only she had been deadfor a long time.

On Friday, Laura Schlessinger took calls from people withproblems and administered her typically blunt advice beforementioning her mother's slaying in the final minutes of her lastbroadcast of the year.

"Because this is an ongoing homicide investigation I cannot sayvery much about the circumstances surrounding this unbelievable andtragic event," she told her radio audience.