Books About Sept. 11

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September 10, 2002, 10:02 PM

Sept. 11 -- After Sept. 11, many books were published about what happened that day, examining everything from the heroism of the firefighters to the terrorists responsible for the tragedy.

Here is a partial list of some of those many books:

The Heart of Grief by Thomas Attig; publisher, Oxford;Synopsis: Death and the search for lasting love

Report from Ground Zero, Dennis Smith; published by Viking; Theme: The story of the rescue efforts at the WTC.

The Day Our World Changed: Children's Art of 9/11 by Robin F. Goodman, PhD. and Andrea Henderson Fahnestock; published by Abrams; Synopsis: Children's art and an intro by former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.

Twin Towers Remembered, Camilo Jose Vergara; Princeton Architectural Press; Synopsis: Photos taken from all parts of Manhattan of the World Trade Center.

The American Creed: A Spiritual and Patriotic Primer, Forrest Church; St. Martin's Press; Synopsis: A great way to understand America in spiritual terms.

Out of the Ruins: A New York Record, Jean Holabird, Gingko Press; Synopsis: Lower Manhattan, Autumn 2001.

Six Days of War, Michael B. Oren; Oxford; Synopsis: June 1967 and the making of the modern Middle East.

No God but God, Geneive Abdo; Oxford; Synopsis: Egypt and the triumph of Islam.

What Went Wrong, Bernard Lewis; Oxford, Synopsis: Western impact and the Middle Eastern response.

The Other Side of Welfare, Pamela L. Cave; Capital Books; Real stories from a single mother.

The New Nuclear Danger, Dr. Helen Caldicott; The New Press; Synopsis: George W. Bush's military-industrial complex.

What Everyone Needs to Know About Islam, John L. Esposito; Oxford; Synopsis: Answers to frequently asked questions, from one of America's leading experts.

Our Mission and Our Moment: President Bush's Address to the Nation; Newmarket Press; Synopsis: President's address to the nation before a joint session of congress, Sept. 20, 2001.

Stress-Relief: For Disasters Great and Small, Georgia Witkin Ph.D.; Newmarket Press; Synopsis: What to expect and what to do from day one to year one and beyond.

Worlds in Collision, Edited by Ken Booth and Tim Dunne; Palgrave Macmillan; Synopsis: Terror and the future of global order.

The War Against Terror Masters, Michael A. Ledeen; St. Martin's Press; Synopsis: Why it Happened. Where we are now. How we'll win.

Inside 9-11: What Really Happened; St. Martin's Press; From the reporters, writers and editors of Der Spiegel Magazine.

War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, Chris Hedges; Public Affairs; Synopsis: Truths about humanity's love affair with war, offering a moving and thought-provoking meditation.

Onthatday: A Book of Hope for Children by Andrea Patel; Tricycle Press. Synopsis: A book of hope for children.

A New Deal for New York, Mike Wallace; Bell & Weiland/Gotham Center Books; Synopsis: In the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks we should not just rebuild but rethink.

Inside Afghanistan, John Weaver; W Publishing Group; Synopsis: The American who stayed behind after Sept. 11, and his mission of mercy to a war-torn people.

A Just Response, Edited by Katrina Vanden Heuvel; Nation Books; Synopsis: The nation on terrorism, democracy and Sept. 11.

The Day the World Came to Town, Jim Defede; Regan Books/Harper Collins; Sept. 11 in Gander Newfoundland.

A New World Trade Center, Max Protetch; Regan Books/Harper Collins; Synopsis: Design proposals from leading architects worldwide.

Strong of Heart, Thomas Von Essen; Regan Books/Harpers Collins; Synopsis: Life and death in the Fire Department of New York.

Among the Heroes; Jere Longman; Harper Collins; Synopsis: United Flight 93 and the passengers and crew who fought back.

Never Forget, Mitchell Fink and Lois Mathias; Regan Books/Harper Collins. Synopsis: An oral history of Sept. 11.

Firefighting, Jack Gottschalk; DK Publishing. Synopsis: Examines 65 of the world's most compelling fies and their impact on the evolution of firefighting technology, tactics and equipment.

The September 11 Photo Project, Michael Feldschuh; Regan Books/Harper Collins; Synopsis: Compilation of Photographs.

Stepping Through the Ashes; Eugene Richards and Janine Altnongy; Aperture. Synopsis: Personal elegy to those lost in Sept. 11 that focuses on the tragic events as they unfolded; about coping and coming to terms in the aftermath.

After the Terror, Ted Honderich; Edinburgh University Press; Synopsis: Essay stands out as unusual and unusually enlightening and provocative.

Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror, Rohan Gunaratna; Columbia University Press. Synopsis: Based on five years of research, including interviews with its members.