Good Morning America Reveals its own True Love Stories

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 19, 2001, 12:45 PM

N E W   Y O R K, June 20 -- Since we've been prying so much into the lives of our wedding couple Peggy and Lorenzo, we thought it was only right to turn the tables for a bit and hear from our own Good Morning America family members. Diane Sawyer, Tony Perkins and Lara Spencer share their own wedding memories.

Diane and Mike

Diane Sawyer remembers her own wedding day with her husband Mike Nichols.She said she knew "like that" that she was in love with him.

"There's this great poem that says: 'The Birthday of my life has come.' That's sort of what it's like. You just get born for the first time and think 'oh, I see, now everything's going to be different.'

We had this thing where we each brought a poem, and my husband didn't cry, in fact he was laughing a lot of the time. I was laughing because he was so funny, and the minister sobbed.

So I don't know! Everybody's standing and looking at him because the rest of us are perfectly merry the whole time."

Tony and Rhonda

"You know, the other day I took out the wedding photo album and was looking through, through it and I actually got a tear in my eye," said Tony. "It's the most wonderful day of my life.

The only thing that went wrong in my wedding was that we started the ceremony an hour late. That was a problem. People forgot to bring the flower girl's basket; someone forgot to bring the programs; all of that was very important to my wife. It was so funny because people who were gathered in the church waiting for the ceremony to start actually started taking bets as to whether or not the ceremony would happen."

Lara and David

"As a girl you dream of this your whole life," said Lara. "And you're beginning your life as a 'we' and not an 'I,' it's just awesome!

I decided to go very traditional. I wore a clean, classic dress. I wore my mother's veil that she got when she was 18 years old, and marrying my father. My sisters both wore this veil. My mother went over to Europe and got it with her mother, so it had all of this importance to it. It wasn't until later in the evening that I discovered that I'd gone that entire day, through the ceremony, pictures and toasts that I was wearing the veil backwards the whole time."