How To Get High Brow Eyebrows

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 17, 2001, 8:18 PM

N E W  Y O R K, Dec. 18 -- If you fumble while plucking your eyebrows or simply don't pluck them at all, you can end up sporting a perpetual "who me?" look of surprise on your face or even a "unibrow," where the hair from each eyebrow meets across your nose.

But the right eyebrows can make everyone look peaceful, happy, relaxed and sexy, said Eliza Petrescu, the waxing director and eyebrow designer at AVON salon and spa in New York. She appeared on Good Morning America to complete some eyebrow makeovers and share some basic tips on grooming eyebrows.

Here are some common blunders to avoid:

Too-close eyebrows: Sometimes called a "unibrow", this happens when the brow hairs stray until they meet above the nose, giving the appearance of one long brow. This will make the face look tired, sad, angry and ungroomed, Petrescu said. These hairs should be tweezed or professionally waxed.

Overplucked brows: Often too skinny or misshapen, the brows look discordant with the face.

Eyebrows too far apart: This can create an off-balance or "who me?" look of surprise.

Here are her four steps to beautiful brows:

1. Map it Out: Determine the shape that you want your eyebrows to be the space between the eyebrows, the end of the eyebrow, and the arch. The space between your eyebrows should be equal to, or a bit smaller than, the width of your eye. Hold a brow pencil parallel to each the side of your nose. The inner edge of each brow should start above the nostril. You may want to draw a line to guide you the first few times. Remember: do not pluck too severely between eyebrows.To determine the end of the eyebrow, hold the brow pencil diagonally from the nostril, following the outside edge of your eye. Extend the pencil to the end of your eyebrow. This is the correct length of the brow. To figure out the arch, hold the brow pencil parallel to the outside edge of the iris, the highest part of the arch. View the brow geometrically, as if it were divided into quarters. The first three quarters should head upward, the last quarter downward.