Man Awarded $1.4 Million From Ex-Wife's Lover

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 12, 2001, 7:04 PM

C H A R L O T T E, N. C., July 13 -- It was certainly an affair to remember: two high school sweethearts reunited at a price tag of $1.4 million.

That was the total in the largest jury award ever for a lawsuit based on "alienation of affection," a cause of action in state law that allows a jilted spouse to sue when his or her partner leaves to be with someone else.

College wrestling coach Tom Oddo filed suit against the Florida doctor who had an affair with his wife. In May, a Charlotte jury awarded Oddo $1.4 million for the loss of his spouse.

Debby Tyson Oddo and Jeff Presser were high school sweethearts who reunited 15 years later after a flurry of romantic e-mails. They have since divorced their spouses and gotten married.

The award coincides with a debate in North Carolina's General Assembly, which is considering whether to ban such lawsuits by revoking the law that allows them. Nine states have "alienation of affection" laws on the books: Alaska, Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina and Utah.

Should Laws Stand?

Supporters of adultery and alienation of affection laws argue that the laws help uphold marriage and good morals. But critics contend the laws are archaic vehicles used to carry frivolous lawsuits born of both greed and revenge. And they say the laws stem from antiquated beliefs that women should be treated as property.

Presser, a Florida family doctor, had a young son with the wife he divorced for Debby Oddo. The Oddos have three children together, ages 10, 7 and 3.

Stan Brown, who is Oddo's attorney, argued that if not for Presser's persistence, Debby Oddo would have ended the affair and salvaged her marriage, preserving her family. Brown, a former Charlotte trial judge who has tried scores of similar cases, said the law helps protect families.

But Tom Bush, Presser's attorney, argued that the lawsuits hurt families by amplifying the conflict and pain that already accompany divorce. He said that the marriage was doomed anyway.