You Are What You Eat

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 5, 2001, 10:22 AM

July 5 -- The following is an excerpt of Charlie Gibson's GMA interview with Dr. Alan Hirsch a psychiatrist who believes that the flavor ice cream you eat determines the type of person you are.

CHARLES GIBSON:You've heard the old expression 'You are what you eat.' You're aboutto meet a psychiatrist who says 'You are what ice cream you eat.' Hesays you can tell someone's personality from the flavor of ice creamthey most prefer. He's written a book called "What Flavor Is YourPersonality?" He is Dr. Alan Hirsch. And you've tested this thesis, right?


Well, that's right. We looked at 18,631 people sponsored by EdyDreyers Ice Cream. What we did is we looked at personality types.We did MMPIs, MCMIs...

GIBSON:What do all those initials mean?

HIRSCH:All personality tests, and we were able to categorize theirpersonality type. Then we looked at their food preferences and whichice cream they liked the most. And we were able to collate themtogether, very much like a projected test.

GIBSON:Did you do a CC test on them?


GIBSON:That's chocolate chip.

HIRSCH:Well, it's like a projective test like a Rorschach. You just look atthe inkblot and you say, 'This looks like either a butterfly or abat,' and depending on how you interpret it, you're able to gaininsight into their personality. And we did the same thing with icecreams.

GIBSON:OK. And I told you that I like natural mint chocolate chip.

HIRSCH:Yeah, that's right.

GIBSON:What does that mean?

HIRSCH:Well, people who like mint chocolate chip are very much like thosewho like chocolate chip.


HIRSCH:They tend to be very success-oriented and driven,achievement-oriented. They're also generous and charming in socialsituations, but they're the conquerors the leaders of industry.