GMA: Alternative Medicine Use Rising

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 3, 2000, 7:38 PM

N E W   Y O R K, Dec. 4 -- When prominent cardiac surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz prepares for surgery he does so in a state-of-the art hospital with every tool of modern medicine available to him.

But what might surprise or even shock most doctors is Ozs use of ancient healing traditions.

He plays hypnosis tapes to soothe his patients unconscious mind, and calls on the services of an energy healer to cleanse his patients energy fields.

I have been accused by some of my colleagues as being too open-minded and they say it actually in a very loving way, said Oz, director of the Heart Assist Device Program at New York Presbyterian Medical Center. And I understand why they make that argument because most people do have to draw lines in their life just to focus their energies.

Over the past five years, Oz and his team at the hospitals Complementary Medicine Program, has studied everything from guided imagery to aromatherapy to garlic. His studies have shown that the hypnosis/relaxation tape combination helps surgical and long-term recovery in his heart patients.

For example, they have less bleeding during surgery than patients who didnt get the combination and they require almost no post-operative pain medication.

In the first part of Good Morning Americas three-part series: Alternative Medicine: East, West and the Mind, Dr. Nancy Snyderman visited Oz, one of many doctors who are responding to patients desires to try alternative medicine.

Not So Alternative Anymore Two out of three Americans use some form of alternative medicine. And whether its tai chi or aromatherapy, alternative medicine is not so alternative anymore.

The long-running divide between alternative and mainstream medicine is disappearing with leading medical journals now referring to alternative treatments as complementary or integrative medicine.Acupuncturists, hypnotists, massage therapists and meditation instructors are working at new complementary centers attached to major hospitals. A Consumer Reports survey this year found that almost 35 percent of readers had used alternative therapies such as herbals, massage or chiropractic manipulation to treat the worst two medical conditions that they had over the past two years.