Elizabeth Smart Gets Back to 'Normal' Life

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 24, 2003, 8:00 AM

S A L T   L A K E   C I T Y, Utah, Oct. 24 -- Elizabeth Smart, now a 15-year-old high school sophomore, has reclaimed her life in the months since she was discovered with her alleged kidnappers on the street.

Elizabeth's life is completely different than it was just one year ago when she roamed the mountains and the streets of Utah, eating one meal a day.

These days Elizabeth, like the rest of her teenage friends, has been going to movies, parties and attending high school this fall.

Talk show host Oprah Winfrey said Elizabeth seemed content during her exclusive tour of the Smart family's Salt Lake City home.

"I was very pleased to see that she's very, quote, normal very at home, very at ease with herself, very at ease with her brother and sister joking back and forth with them," Oprah said after her interview with Elizabeth's family.

Ed and Lois Smart have spoken to Oprah Winfrey about their daughter's kidnapping and their revealing new book, which chronicles Elizabeth's ordeal.

ABCNEWS' Good Morning America got an exclusive first look at Winfrey's conversation with the Smarts.

As the Smarts walked Winfrey through their home, they took her through exactly what happened the night Elizabeth was kidnapped from her bedroom on June 5, 2002.

In the early-morning hours, Brian David Mitchell who had been hired as a handyman by the Smarts at one time allegedly cut through the kitchen window screen of the Smart family's million-dollar home.

Mary Katherine, Elizabeth's 9-year-old sister, watched as Elizabeth was taken from their room at knifepoint.

When she felt safe, Mary Katherine ran into her parents' room with a chilling cry, according to a passage from the Smart family's book.

"She's gone. Elizabeth is gone," the girl said, according to the book Bringing Elizabeth Home: A Journey of Faith and Hope. "You won't find her. A man came and took her."

The Smarts began their heartbreaking nine-month search for Elizabeth that night.