President Clinton No. 2?

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 8, 2006, 6:56 AM

Feb. 8, 2006 — -- Much of the buzz in Washington isn't about the president or first lady, but about Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton who spoke at Coretta Scott King's funeral along with a host of politicians from both sides of the political aisle.

An op-ed in The New York Times today says Republicans are playing into stereotypes in their attacks on her. Meanwhile, Democrats are divided about whether she should run for president.

Some of the political theater played out during Tuesday's ceremony.

During his tribute, former President Clinton said: "It's great to be here with my president and former presidents." Then someone in the audience yelled: "And the future president," which drew laughter and applause.

The Democratic New York senator is the talk of Washington, but a recent Gallup poll indicates she is not a presidential shoo-in. About 51 percent said they would oppose a Clinton run for the 2008 White House. Still, the political world watches her every move.

She can't even wear a new diamond ring given to her by Bill without a tabloid speculating as to its carat size and why he gave it to her.

"I think the Republicans are scared to death of this woman," said Mary Ann Akers of Roll Call. "They know that she's got money, they know she's just not a candidate for president, but she really is most likely going to be the nominee if she runs."

Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee, said that Clinton might be seen as too "angry" to be a viable candidate for president.

"I don't think the American people, if you look historically, elect angry candidates," he said on "This Week With George Stephanopoulos."

Akers dismissed Mehlman's sentiments as attack tactics.

"The angry woman is just a term that sticks," she said. "It's something that will dredge up all the old stereotypes of Hillary Clinton."