Snooping Led Locklear to Discover Infidelity

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 9, 2006, 9:25 AM

Feb. 9, 2006 — -- The marriage of TV icon Heather Locklear and rock star Richie Sambora seemed to be a match made in heaven for the last 11 years.

"By all accounts, they were a perfect couple," said Jamie Bufalino, senior editor at People magazine. "Many of their friends envied their relationship."

This week's People magazine sheds light on why the Locklear-Sambora marriage didn't last.

"Heather happened upon an e-mail, sent to Richie Sambora, from a woman they both knew," Bufalino said. "And contained in the e-mail were provocative pictures."

According to sources quoted in People, Locklear was "absolutely devastated" by her digital discovery.

She filed for divorce, blindsiding Sambora. Hours after she filed, Sambora, still unaware of the breakup, gave an interview to ABC News Radio and called the report of the split "completely untrue."

Sambora denies any marital indiscretion. But one thing is certain, Locklear isn't the first woman to sneak a peek at her husband's e-mail. According to research done by Symantec, an information security firm, 40 percent of women say they would access their partner's e-mail account if they suspected cheating.

Snooping is OK in some situations, says relationship expert Bethany Marshall.

"If you snoop because of petty insecurities or jealousy, that's a violation," she said.

But, she added, if there's a "serious infraction," such as your partner staying out all night or if there are unexplained bills, "then by all means launch a full-scale investigation."