When Convenience Store Clerks Attack

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 25, 2006, 9:18 AM

Aug. 5, 2006 — -- More than ever, convenience store clerks seem to be fighting back against thieves -- or at least that's the tale of the tape.

This past weekend, a cashier in a Boston Dunkin' Donuts fended off two gun wielding robbers, causing them to flee.

Recent surveillance video in the news has shown clerks taking on would-be robbers. For instance:

However, valiant though their efforts are, experts say taking matters into their own hands puts clerks in danger.

"Although you're lashing out at them and you think you're doing the right thing, you're putting innocent people and yourself in harm's way," said Donald Henne, former NYPD detective bureau lieutenant commander who now works for Kroll Security.