Divorced Mom Investigates Mates

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 26, 2006, 8:37 AM

April 26, 2006 — -- Sandra Hope is a twice-divorced mom who makes a living in an unusual and some say unethical way.

She is a private investigator who uses hidden microphones, cameras and disguises to help answer questions about fidelity.

Hope's personal story and her company, Mate Check, are profiled in this month's Marie Claire magazine. She has spied on suspected cheaters for more than a decade and recently allowed "Good Morning America" to observe her at work in Scottsdale, Ariz.

In what appears to be an ordinary first date, Hope is actually hard at work, spying on unsuspecting hairstylist Bruce Alan.

Caught on Tape

"I can't believe you called me. I thought that was really sweet," he says to Hope, unaware of why she really has invited him to lunch.

"By the way, I absolutely adore you," he says.

"You do?" she says.

"Yeah, I think you're beautiful," he says. "I think you're a very beautiful woman."

Alan has no idea that his 22-year-old girlfriend has hired Hope to test his faithfulness.

"You shouldn't be single, at all," he says.

"Well, I am," she responds.

"Well, we'll have to fix that." Alan says. "I'll take care of that."

With a tiny microphone hidden on her blouse and a tape recorder in her skirt to secretly record their lunch conversation, Hope continues the date while a "GMA" crew, inside a sport utility vehicle parked 100 feet away, videotapes them.

"I wonder if we could fly off to Vegas. Hang out in Vegas for about three hours and be back here by 10, 11 o'clock?" Alan says. "That'd be kind of fun."

"Yeah, that would be fun," Hope replies.

Helping or Hurting?

Some critics of Hope's approach say it is entrapment or at least unethical. It depends on which private eye you ask, or hire. Hope insists she is not entrapping anyone. She says she is helping someone in a potentially troubled relationship.