What's Your Dog's Eating Habits?

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 29, 2006, 4:55 PM

May 3, 2006 — -- What kind of eater is your dog?

Thanks to this quiz, which appears in Dr. Marty Becker's book "Fitness Unleashed," you can find out your canine companion's eating patterns and how to curb his unhealthy tendencies.

Circle the answer that best reflects your level of agreement with each statement:

1. My dog has no structured meal routine (same time, place and amount) from one day to the next.
a. Not my dog at all. (0 pts)
b. This is true quite often. (1 pt)
c. This is my dog most of the time. (2 pts)
d. That's my dog! (3 pts)

2. The presence of food around my dog triggers him to beg, take a bite, or attempt to wolf it down.
a. Not my dog at all. (0 pts)
b. This is true quite often. (1 pt)
c. This is my dog most of the time. (2 pts)
d. That's my dog! (3 pts)

3. I have a hard time consistently controlling my dog's portion sizes.
a. Not at all. (0 pts)
b. This is true quite often. (1 pt)
c. This is me most of the time. (2 pts)
d. That's me. (3 pts)

4. Begging plays a big role in my dog's diet.
a. Not us at all. (0 pts)
b. This is true quite often. (1 pt)
c. This is us most of the time. (2 pts)
d. That's my dog and I! (3 pts)

5. My dog's snacks are almost all high-calorie treats.a. Not my dog at all. (0 pts)
b. This is true quite often. (1 pt)
c. This is my dog most of the time. (2 pts)
d. That's my dog! (3 pts)

6. My dog finds food other than what I put in his bowl by begging, eating the cat's food, scavenging, etc.
a. Not my dog at all. (0 pts)
b. This is true quite often. (1 pt)
c. This is my dog most of the time. (2 pts)
d. That's my dog! (3 pts)

7. My dog's appetite never seems satiated; he would eat until he exploded if we let him.
a. Not my dog at all. (0 pts)
b. This is true quite often. (1 pt)
c. This is my dog most of the time. (2 pts)
d. That's my dog! (3 pts)

8. If my dog is slow to eat or refuses to eat a certain food, I'll make it more tasty (toss in some canned food, add gravy, microwave it, etc.) or change diets to a tastier food.
a. Not at all. (0 pts)
b. This is true quite often. (1 pt)
c. This is me most of the time. (2 pts)
d. That's me (3 pts)

9. My dog gains weight when he's boarded, when someone house-sits, or when we have company because he's so good at getting people to give him treats.
a. Not my dog at all. (0 pts)
b. This is true quite often. (1 pt)
c. This is my dog most of the time. (2 pts)
d. That's my dog! (3 pts)

10. I make sure my dog has food in his bowl at all times.
a. Not at all. (0 pts)
b. This is true quite often. (1 pt)
c. This is me most of the time. (2 pts)
d. That's me. (3 pts)

11. I often share my own snacks and treats with my dog. He loves ice cream (or buttered popcorn or oatmeal cookies) as much as I do.
a. Not at all. (0 pts)
b. This is true quite often. (1 pt)
c. This is me most of the time. (2 pts)
d. That's me. (3 pts)

12. My dog knows just how to push my buttons to get an extra treat. If you saw the way he works those puppy-dog eyes, you'd feed him extra, too.

a. Not my dog at all. (0 pts)
b. This is true quite often. (1 pt)
c. This is my dog most of the time. (2 pts)
d. That's my dog! (3 pts)

Add points from questions 5, 8, and 11 to get a Spoiled Snacker score:

Add points from questions 2, 6, and 7 to get a Garbage Gut score:

Add points from questions 4, 9, and 12 to get a Shameless Beggar score:

Add points from questions 1, 3, and 10 to get a Free Feeder score:

The highest total score reveals your dog's dominant eating-personality type. If there's a tie among the highest scores, then pick the eating pattern that you feel fits your dog best. Each pattern description below includes steps you can take to make sure your pup is getting enough, but not too much, to eat.

Spoiled Snacker: What a lucky dog this is: loved and pampered and given all the perks of full family-member status. Congratulations on having such a solid, affectionate relationship with your dog. Now we must tell you, as many a doting parent has had to learn, that it's easy to mingle food and love, offering treats as signs of your affection -- but that practice is generally not good for your dog's health. If your dog is overweight, try taking these simple steps to help him get lean.