Healthy Baby Is Second Miracle for Sky Diver

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 16, 2006, 9:09 AM

June 16, 2006 — -- In October, Shayna West of Joplin, Mo., saw her life flash before her eyes when her parachute malfunctioned during a sky-diving outing.

She slammed into the ground at 50 mph, with her husband, Rick, watching helplessly from above.

West was rushed to an area hospital. In the emergency room, as doctors treated her wounds, they discovered a second miracle.

West hadn't make the jump alone -- she was two weeks pregnant. Despite crushing injuries to her face, multiple surgeries, and 15 metal plates she now required, the doctors assured her that she and her unborn baby were both going to be OK.

They were right. Baby Tanner was born healthy this week in a Missouri hospital.

"[The doctors] kept telling me he was fine," West said, "but there's that little shadow of doubt -- until you can see him and hold him. You never know what's really going on."

Tanner weighed in at 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and is the Wests' first child.

"Things don't just happen," West said. "There are reasons and miracles that go on in our life on an everyday basis, and he had miracles working in his life before he was even born."

West said she planned to sky dive again.

ABC News' Kate Snow reported this story for "Good Morning America."