GMA Challenge: 'Story of My Life'

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 8, 2004, 10:40 AM


Have you overcome incredible odds or taken part in a heroic adventure? Have you been involved in a dramatic rescue or an unforgettable love story? Have you witnessed a world event from an insider's view?

If you have an incredible life story, we want to hear from you. Find out more about "Good Morning America's" "Story of My Life" search.

American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Simon & Schuster and Nestegg Productions, LLCStory of My Life Search"


Each entry must be accompanied by at least one photo of the entrant/essay author. Mailed entries must be accompanied by a photograph 8"x10" or smaller; electronically submitted entries must be accompanied by a digital photo attached to the electronic entry. Photo submissions may not be the work of a professional photographer, or the copyrighted or otherwise protected work of a third party. Limit one entry per person/e-mail address for the Promotion. Multiple entries will result in the disqualification of all of your entries. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Simon & Schuster, Inc and Nestegg Productions, LLC will not be responsible for late, lost, incomplete, illegible, damaged, garbled, technically corrupt, postage-due or misdirected entries. All electronic entries must be received by 11:59 pm ET on December 17, 2004 and all mailed entries must be received by December 17, 2004. All entries, including essays and photos become the property of Sponsors and will not be acknowledged or returned. Sponsors cannot provide technical support and accepts no responsibility for insuring the receipt of your electronically submitted entry (including photo). If you experience any difficulties trying to submit your entry via our on-line entry method, we recommend that you send your entry materials via U.S. mail to the above address.

It is the sole responsibility of the entrant to notify American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. in writing if the entrant changes his/her e-mail address or mailing address. (To do so, write to: "The Good Morning America Story of My life Search" Change of Address, Ansonia Station P.O. Box 230477, New York, New York 10023-0008.) Notification must be received by December 17, 2004.THE DEADLINE TO ENTER HAS PASSED) By entering this Promotion, participants agree to these Official Rules and the decisions of judges and Sponsors, which are binding and final in all matters relating to this Promotion.

ELIGIBILITY: Promotion is open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. who are 18 years of age or older, and if a minor, entries must be accompanied by parental consent. Void outside of the United States and where prohibited. Any individuals (including but not limited to employees, consultants, independent contractors, and interns) who have, within six months prior to the start date of the Promotion and thereafter, performed services for American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Simon & Schuster, Inc., Nestegg Productions, LLC or any organization responsible for sponsoring, fulfilling, administering, advertising or promoting the Promotion or supplying prizes, and/or their respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated and successor companies, and immediate family and household members of such individuals, are not eligible to enter or win. "Immediate family members" shall mean parents, step-parents, children, step-children, siblings, step-siblings, or spouses, regardless of where they live. "Household members" shall mean people who share the same residence at least three months a year, whether related or not. Professional authors (defined as people who make or have made their living, either in whole or in part, through writing, or have published a book-length book) are also not eligible to participate. By entering, participants agree to indemnify, defend, release, discharge and hold harmless American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Simon & Schuster, Inc., Nestegg Productions, LLC, their respective parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliated companies, advertising and promotional agencies and prize suppliers and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives from any and all claims, liability, including but not limited to negligence and damages of any kind to persons and property, including but not limited to death or personal injury arising out of a participant's participation in the Promotion and/or acceptance or use or misuse of prize, and any claims based on rights of privacy, rights of publicity, false light, defamation, copyright and/or trademark infringement. By entering this Promotion all finalists grant permission to the Sponsors to use their respective names, photographs, essays, likenesses, images, voices, prize information and/or biographical information (city and state only) for "Good Morning America" and Simon & Schuster (including their licensees) programming, publication, publicity and promotional purposes without compensation, review or approval unless prohibited by law. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply.

ADDITIONAL ENTRY LIMITATIONS: Essay must be completely the original work of entrant; do NOT copy the works of others. Essays must not violate the trademark, copyright, rights of privacy, rights of publicity or any other rights of person(s) or owner(s) of property included therein. If Sponsors, in their sole discretion, have reason to believe that an essay contains any material that may infringe or violate the rights of a third party, Sponsors may disqualify such entry and take all other measures Sponsors may deem appropriate so as to protect their interests. Essays must not have been submitted to any other contest or competition. Entries that contain any content determined by Sponsors in their sole discretion as indecent, inappropriate, morally objectionable or otherwise unfit for publication or broadcast will be immediately disqualified. Essays must fit entirely within text box portion of online entry form; use of any other means of submitting essay (e.g., e-mail messages or file attachments) is prohibited and essays submitted by such means will NOT be accepted. Entries of more than 600 words will be disqualified. Entries not satisfying these Official Rules in any respect will be disqualified. In submitting an essay, entrant understands and agrees that the essay is a "submission" as defined in the Terms of Use of; and, as such, American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Simon & Schuster, Inc. and Nestegg Productions, LLC, together with their authorized licensees own any and all rights to the essay and entrant has no proprietary interest therein. (For's Terms of Use, direct your Internet browser to Entrant further agrees to sign all documents required by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Simon & Schuster, Inc. and/or Nest Egg Productions LLC upon their request so as to confirm, record and/or perfect their ownership rights in essay.

Entrant acknowledges that American Broadcasting Companies, Simon & Schuster, Inc. and their respective parent, affiliate and subsidiary companies (collectively the "Designated Entities") have extensive respective histories in creating, acquiring and developing literary, artistic, musical, design and other material, including stories, ideas, themes, plots, titles, screenplays, manuscripts, formats, concepts for attractions, parks and other developments and other materials (collectively, the "Materials"). Moreover, the Materials which the Designated Entities may hereafter use may have originated with or may have been acquired from the Designated Entities employees or others and may duplicate, parallel or resemble the Entrant's submission.

By submitting an entry, Entrants acknowledge that they understand and agree that the Designated Entities' use of material containing features and elements similar to or identical with those contained in their submission do not entitle Entrant to any compensation. By entering, Entrant waives any right of action against the Designated Entities or their successors and assigns in connection with the Designated Entities' use of the Material (or any part thereof) whether or not the Material contains features or elements similar or identical to those contained in Entrant's submission.

JUDGING: The official judging panel, consisting of representatives selected at the sole discretion of American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Simon & Schuster and Nestegg Productions, LLC, will select the top three (3) entries from all eligible entries received that most persuasively argue that the author of the essay deserves to have his/her life story turned into a book. The judging will be based on the following criteria: quality and persuasiveness of entrant's reasoning why the subject of essay has a story worthy of becoming a book (33%) and overall potential of this life story for on-air appeal to audience of "Good Morning America" and book appeal to readers (67%). An interview with the author, conducted at the sole discretion of the judges, may also be required. The judging will be conducted on or about December 17, 2004 through January 10, 2005. At that time, selected authors may be required to submit requested information to assist in sponsor/judges due diligence research. The authors of the potential winning essays will be notified by e-mail and/or mail. Potential winners will be required to sign and return within 7 business days of receipt an Affidavit of Eligibility, Release and Indemnification, a Publicity Release where allowed by law, as well as other documents that Sponsor may require. If any potential winner does not reply to such notification within 2 business days, an e-mail notification is undeliverable after up to 3 attempts and/or the Affidavit of Eligibility, Release and Indemnification, a Publicity Release and/or any other required documents are not returned by potential winner (and/or essay subject, as appropriate) to Sponsors within specified time period, such potential winner may be disqualified and an alternate potential winner selected (i.e., the entry ranked immediately below the disqualified entry in the judging), this process may continue until three finalists are selected.

"GMA" PROFILES, MANUSCRIPTS & GRAND PRIZE VOTING: Each of the authors of the top three entries ("Finalists") must be willing to work with professional writers, Simon & Schuster, Inc., and producers of ABC News programs, "Good Morning America" and "20/20" from approximately January, 2005 through May, 2005 as each of these life stories is turned into a manuscript and "Good Morning America" and "20/20" produce videotaped profiles of the three finalists for broadcast on their respective programs. The Finalists must also be available to appear, at producers' discretion, on live broadcasts of "Good Morning America" in March and April, 2005. After the videotaped profiles of the three Finalists are broadcast on "Good Morning America", on or about April 1, 2005, viewers will be invited to log onto to vote, based on the same judging criteria listed above, for the one life story they feel most deserves to be published as a book. Viewers may vote as many times as they wish but must cast their votes before 11:59 pm on or about April 8, 2005. The dates for voting are subject to change due to possible pre-emption or other reasons. In the event dates of voting should change Good morning America will announce and post on-line as necessary. The Finalist who receives the greatest number of votes will be selected as the Grand Prize Winner. On or about 04/22/05, "Good Morning America" will announce which of the Finalists has received the most votes (i.e. the Winner). On or about 04/22/05, "20/20" will also air a videotaped profile of the Winner and possibly other Finalists. In the event of a tie the Finalist with the highest average combined score of both on-line and appointed judges' scores will be deemed the winner. In the event any Finalist is disqualified, the highest vote-getter of the remaining Finalists will be selected as the Winner. ABC, in its sole discretion, may or may not air any profiles on either "GMA" or "20/20". In the event of any preemption which may cause voting to be delayed beyond April 8, 2005, Good Morning America will announce the Winner live on-air no less than 14 days and not more than 21 days after voting concludes. In the event ABC preempts the scheduled live announcement of the Winner, ABC will announce the Winner on the scheduled announcement date on its website and agrees to air the Winner announcement on its telecast as soon as reasonably possible after the website announcement. In the event Sponsors, prior to March 15, 2005, in their sole discretion, choose not to publish a book as a result of this contest, the entire remainder of the contest will be relegated to the "GMA" website only: the final three entries will appear on the website, website users will have the opportunity to vote on-line for the Winner and there may not be any further on-air mention of the Promotion, its Finalists or its Winner.

GRAND PRIZE: The Grand Prize Winner will receive $10,000. Federal, state and local taxes are the sole responsibility of the winner, who will receive an IRS Form 1099 reflecting the final actual value of any prize valued at $600 or more. You should consult a tax professional for a full explanation of any potential tax implications. Winners are not entitled to exchange or transfer prize or to obtain any other substitution, but Sponsor, in its sole discretion, may substitute prizes of equal or greater value due to prize unavailability or for any reason.

POTENTIAL BOOK PUBLICATION: On or about the date of the announcement on Good Morning America of the Winner, Simon & Schuster, Inc. may, in its sole discretion, have published and have available for sale a full book based the winner's life story (the "Winner's Book"). Simon & Schuster may also, in its sole discretion, decide to publish a full book based on one or more of the non-winning finalists life stories (the "Finalist Books"). The Winner's Book and the Finalist Books will be published in Simon & Schuster's sole and absolute discretion. If the Winner's Book and/or the Finalist Books are published, the Winner's Book and Finalist Books will be written by a professional author with the input of the winner/finalists (such professional author to be chosen by Simon & Schuster or its designee), and the copyright in and to the Winner's and Finalist Books will be owned solely and exclusively by Nestegg Productions LLC. Winner and/or finalists will have no rights in or to the Winner's Book of Finalists Books, and will not receive any compensation or royalties for publication of the books.

For Broadcast and Book Components: The three Finalists agree to make themselves available to participate in the broadcast profiles, live appearances on ABC-TV, background research for the manuscripts commissioned by Nestegg Productions LLC for possible publication by Simon & Schuster, as well as no less than two weeks of live publicity for promotion of such publication (collectively, all the foregoing activities, "Profiles"). Finalists understand and agree that, if any Finalist is NOT available for the Profiles, or in the event such background research reveals information leading the Sponsors, in their sole discretion, to determine that the Finalist should be disqualified, that entry will be disqualified and an alternate entry will be selected based on the next highest score given based on the above-stated judging criteria and this process may continue until three finalists are selected. In the alternative, the Promotion may, in Sponsors' discretion, proceed with only two Finalists. All arrangements are subject to change, availability and Sponsors' approval, including but not limited to the production schedule of "Good Morning America", "20/20" and Simon & Schuster, Inc. The Finalists must agree to follow any and all instructions of producers during taping of the Profiles and live appearances, as determined in their sole discretion and not engage in conduct that violates the broadcast standards of American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., as determined by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., in its sole discretion. The content, location and duration of the Profiles and live appearances will be determined by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., "Good Morning America"," 20/20", and Simon & Schuster in their sole discretion. Finalists will be advised of location of the Profiles and live appearances as part of finalist notification materials. Sponsors, in their sole discretion, will determine whether Finalist receives roundtrip coach air transportation from major commercial airport near Finalist's residence to Profile and live appearance locations and/or ground transportation to Profile and live appearance location. Finalists agree to travel at times and on itinerary as determined by Sponsor in their sole discretion. The Finalists agree (1) that ABC may (but is not obligated to) broadcast or re-broadcast, in whole or in part, in any format or medium (including the world wide web), the taped Profiles, the live broadcast of "Good Morning America" including the taped Profiles and/or footage of or information about the Finalist, without notification or compensation; (2) that Simon & Schuster may (but is not obligated to) publish, in any format, a book about winner and/or other finalists, without notification or further compensation; and (3) to sign any and all appearance releases and other documents which may be required by Sponsors in conjunction with acceptance of the prize. Nothing herein in any way obligates Sponsors to (1) include the taped Profiles (in whole or in part) in any broadcast of "Good Morning America" (or any other program); or (2) publish a book based on the winner, or any of the finalists. Exclusion of the taped Profiles from broadcast of "Good Morning America" (or any other program) and not publishing the book will NOT result in any liability to Sponsors.

GENERAL: All expenses not specifically provided for herein are the Finalist's sole responsibility. Some additional restrictions may apply. By entering, Entrant grants American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Simon & Schuster, Inc. and Nestegg Productions, LLC the right to use their name, voice, likeness, essay, entry, biographical information, story and/or performance in connection with "Good Morning America", "20/20" or other production, as well as in publications, as such may be broadcast, distributed, published or exhibited in any and all media now known or hereafter devised, throughout the world, in perpetuity, and in any and all advertising and publicizing thereof.

OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS: By entering Entrant understands and agrees that Nestegg Productions, LLC (and/or its designees and licensees) shall be the sole, absolute and unqualified owner in perpetuity throughout the universe of all rights, including copyrights and all other intellectual property rights, title, and interest in and to any entries , including submitted essays and pictures, and submitted materials including, without limitation, all forms of: publication, motion picture, television, digital television, video and computer games, videocassette, video and laser disc, computer assisted media (including, but not limited to, CD-ROM, CD-I and similar disc systems, interactive media and multi-media, and any other devices or methods now existing or hereafter devised), character, sequel, remake, theme park, stage play, sound record, merchandising, and all allied, ancillary and subsidiary rights therein, of every kind and nature whatsoever (and the right to exploit such rights by any means and/or device now known or unknown and in any media now known or unknown), in perpetuity, throughout the universe, under copyright or otherwise and the right to promote the foregoing in any manner.

ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION: If for any reason the Promotion is not capable of running as planned, including but not limited to infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failure or other causes which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Promotion, Sponsor reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify and/or suspend the Promotion and to determine the winners by having the judges evaluate all eligible entries received prior to the action taken, or as otherwise deemed fair and equitable by Sponsor; and to disqualify any individuals who tamper with the entry process, violate these official rules or act in a disruptive or abusive manner. No responsibility is assumed for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alteration of entries; errors, defects or omissions in the advertisement or offering of this Promotion; or any problems or technical malfunctions of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail or electronic entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to participant's or any other person's computer related to, or resulting from, participation in or downloading any materials from this Promotion.