Giuliani Submits Candidacy for 2008 Presidential Bid

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 6, 2007, 8:12 AM

Feb. 6, 2007 — -- It's unofficially official. Rudy Giuliani says his statement of candidacy filed with the Federal Election Commission is as close as you're going to get to an official announcement that he's running for the Republican nomination.

In the last 10 days, "America's Mayor" has flown to two of the key primary states, New Hampshire and South Carolina. Now he's filed the legal paperwork so he can continue to build a campaign.

On Fox's "Hannity and Colmes," Giuliani said, "it's a's very humbling to think that running for president of the United States is for a kid from Brooklyn. It's quite a step."

More than just a kid from Brooklyn, Giuliani's also a moderate Republican.

"Some people just won't be able to vote for you. You have to live with that. I mean, the reality is you have to be yourself. You have to be who you are. You have to be honest with people."

He assured conservatives he "hates" abortion, but believes in a woman's right to choose it. He supports the Second Amendment, but thinks cities like New York should have gun control laws.

His time as mayor of New York City during Sept. 11 made Giuliani a household name. One supporter said, "I think he's a wonderful candidate and I'd vote for him in a minute."

But could he beat another famous New Yorker? When asked about Sen. Hillary Clinton, Giuliani responded, "you do this because you believe that you can win the nomination of your party, and then you believe you're the strongest candidate to win the election for your party."

Giuliani is having no trouble finding support. He raised more than $1 million at one of his recent fundraising events. Later today, he has a fundraiser in Florida. At the end of the week he heads out west to California.