Sawyer Answers Questions, Reveals Surprise About Ahmadinejad

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 13, 2007, 3:57 PM

Feb. 13, 2007 — -- Diane Sawyer's trip to Iran and exclusive interview with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has prompted viewers from all over the country to send her questions. On Tuesday's "Good Morning America," she answered some of them.

Question: Is there anything surprising or personal about President Ahmadinejad that we didn't know?

Sawyer: It turns out somebody told me that he cries a lot. He is dramatically sympathetic. So I asked him, "Are you often in tears?"

Ahmadinejad answered Sawyer during their interview, saying:

Yes, that's true. Not overwhelm for Iranians, of course, they are very close to me and I love all Iranians. And anywhere -- when I see people suffering I have the same reaction, and we feel sad for people of Iraq, for the people of Palestine. Anywhere we have war, we feel sad. Even when I see on TV, for example, some Americans, because of tornadoes or a hurricane, they have lost their homes, I become sad.

Because, for us, human beings are respectable, no matter where they are. Human beings are respectable, and they have their own dignity. And all of us should help so that people should lead better lives to live at peace. And to live in peace and brotherhood. In the viewpoint of our religion, all people are respectable, and they must be loved. Regardless of their nationality, ethnicity or religion. This is part of our religious teachings, and we'll live with this religion.

Question: Are there any professions that women are prohibited from pursuing in Iran, and do they get to serve in the military?

Sawyer:They do serve in the military, particularly in the Revolutionary Guard, the fearsome Revolutionary Guard. The only profession we learned that women are barred from serving in is on the nation's high court. They can work in divorce court, but they cannot serve on the high courts in the country. So, they can be in most professions here, for sure.

Question: I've heard from Iranian Americans that the younger generations in Iran are very much against their president's actions and comments. What was your impression of what people truly believe in Iran?