The Little Band That Could

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 20, 2007, 7:38 AM

Feb. 20, 2007 — -- Purple is the color of royalty, and in New Orleans the St. Augustine High School marching band, the Purple Knights, are the kings of Mardi Gras.

A year and a half after Katrina flooded New Orleans and scattered its residents, the members of the Purple Knights have reunited to march together and trumpet their return. It's a point of pride for the band members and for the residents of New Orleans.

With donated equipment and shiny new uniforms, the band will march up to 70 miles in as many as 10 parades this Mardi Gras season.

"When you hear the sounds of the trumpet and see the precision of the marchers, this is a group of young men who are disciplined and talented and they represent the best of New Orleans," said Sandy Shilstone of the New Orleans Tourism and Marketing Corp.

They also represent the best hope of New Orleans' return as a thriving, cultural city.

Leading the way is 17-year-old senior drum major Montreal Givens. He is a straight-A student, and as dedicated to his alma mater as anyone you will ever meet.

"I just love my school," Givens said.

Givens felt so motivated to return to New Orleans that he came back on his own after his family was evacuated to Houston. This fall, Givens moved into a FEMA trailer by himself, so he could carry on a tradition that is more than half a century old.

The St. Augustine band was the first to break the Mardi Gras color barrier, marching in an otherwise all-white parade. Band members, proud of their legacy, see their participation in the band as a point of civic and personal pride.

"I marched in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, and before we marched for the pope," Givens told "Good Morning America." "We marched for the president, marched for a lot of important people."

"We are training these kids to be well-rounded musicians and well-rounded people," said 29-year-old Virgil Tiller, the St. Augustine marching band director, who returned to New Orleans this summer to carry on the band's legacy.

Tiller worked over the summer and fall to rebuild a band whose members were scattered to the four winds. For Tiller, it's a point of pride.

"I graduated from this school, and I was a drum major here. Everything I learned at St. Augustine made me the man that I am today," he said.