Teens Rescued From Flooded Car

Floodwaters trapped Oklahoma City twins Lauren and Lindsey Penn in their car.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 12:12 AM

June 27, 2007 — -- Severe flooding continued to threaten the center portion of the country Wednesday, and a dramatic Oklahoma City rescue scene Tuesday showed just how dangerous the waters could be.

Rushing currents tried to push over a car over a small dam into 12 feet of water. Twin teenage sisters, Lauren and Lindsey Penn, were trapped inside. They were driving on a residential street when their vehicle stalled in the high water, the result of 14 straight days of rain.

The 16-year-olds, who had just completed their sophomore year of high school, said they panicked when the car got stuck.

Lauren said she was driving when the front of the car got caught in the water.

The two were headed home after dropping off a friend when the water began sweeping into the car.Lauren said she was unaware of any flooding until she ran into the water.

On "Good Morning America" Wednesday, Lauren said she tried reversing the car, but the water became so high the car refused to start. The car began filling up with water and pulled the front of the car in, she said.

"We were just sitting there crying the whole time," Lauren said. "I was like, I can't wait to get out."

Lindsey said she and her sister were "freaking out, going crazy and stuff."

While trapped, Lauren said they shouldn't try to swim to safety and so they decided to remain in the car. Lauren called her mother on a cell phone, but she was crying so hard Lindsey had to take the phone and explain what was happening.

"I was so scared," Lauren said.

They spotted a utility worker nearby and asked for help. As they waited for rescuers, water continued to fill the car, even covering the seat. Lindsey moved to the back, while Lauren stayed in the front. "Once I got into the downward flow it pulled me right to the car. I talked to the victims through the window," said Oklahoma City Fire Department Cpl. Brent Koeninger, who worked to bring the girls safely ashore.

Koeninger said he tried to calm the Penn sisters down and told them what would happen next.