Midwestern Flood Victims Tally Damage

The weekend floods in places like Ohio have left many residents without homes.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 1:21 AM

Aug. 23, 2007 — -- Waterlogged Midwest residents began tallying up the damage estimated in the tens of millions of dollars after the weekend's deadly flash floods killed 25 people.

In Findlay, Ohio, the floodwaters have made it difficult to tell where Main Street begins and the Blanchard River ends. Canoes and kayaks replaced cars as the preferred mode of transportation, as they were the only way to get around town.

"I've lived here a total of 10 years, and the most it's ever got is up towards the city buildings. It's never flooded this bad," said resident Carl Anderson.

The town is one example of the flooding troubles experienced in many areas of Ohio.

The area received more than seven inches of rain in a month, creating the worst flooding in nearly a century. At least 500 people fled their homes and some are staying in shelters.

The soaking rains have been particularly difficult for residents who weren't prepared financially.

"Myself and my neighbors do not have flood insurance," said Doris Schumacher, the owner of DorAnne's Gifts & Gourmet.

Schumacher spent the day pumping out water and trying to salvage any remainders of her Main Street gift shop.

Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland declared a state of emergency in nine counties.

"We flew in by helicopter and as we passed over the city," Strickland said. "You could see every home was under water to some extent."

The weather plaguing the nation's Midwest and Plains was the product of two weather systems, one that spans the upper Midwest and the other that is the remnants of stubborn Tropical Storm Erin.

"It's been somewhat persistent now since the weekend, and we really don't see a change in this for at least the next few days," said Dan Luna of the National Weather Service.

The water troubles haven't been limited to Ohio. From Oklahoma to Minnesota, rainfall records were shattered this weekend.

In Iowa one family struggled to understand its loss.

"How did we live? How did we come out of it," Sharon Partington asked after getting a first look at everything she and her husband had lost.