Happy Anniversary Diane, Robin, Sam and Chris!

It's been one year since Chris, Diane, Robin and Sam got together.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 3, 2007, 2:26 PM

Sept. 5, 2007 — -- It's been one year since Diane Sawyer, Robin Roberts, Chris Cuomo and Sam Champion got together for "Good Morning America." For the last year, no matter where news has broken, "GMA" has been there.

The team has traveled around the globe to breaking-news stories, from Iraq to flooding in the Midwest to Virginia Tech.

Diane continues to travel the world, bringing stories to American viewers.

This last year, Diane was the only American journalist to report live from inside North Korea, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, conducting exclusive interviews with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; Bashar al-Assad of Syria; Afghanistan's president, Hamid Karzai, and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal.

And, perhaps most notably, Diane traveled to North Korea, where she interviewed Gen. Ri Chan Bok and took an unprecedented look at life inside the secretive country.

"This is one of the rarest things you could ever see in journalism; it is a visa into North Korea," Sawyer said as she showed off her 12-day pass to the country.

Closer to home, Diane had exclusive interviews with former President Clinton, former first lady Nancy Reagan, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and 16 women of the U.S. Senate.

She also traveled to New Orleans to host a town hall meeting with Democratic presidential candidate and former Sen. John Edwards.

Co-anchor Robin Roberts has brought you in-depth reports on rebuilding efforts since Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana and the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

On the second anniversary of the storm, Roberts returned to Mississippi and toured the area by helicopter to see firsthand the enormity of the storm's aftermath.

When she wasn't covering Katrina, Robin conducted exclusive interviews with Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

She also had the first interview with Illinois Sen. Barack Obama's wife, Michelle, after he announced his run for the Democratic presidential ticket. When Robin asked whether the American public is more ready for a woman president or a black president, Michelle responded, "Barack, he'll be the next president of the United States."