Brown and Goldmans Feud Over Simpson Book

Denise Brown disagrees with Goldmans' decision to profit from "If I Did It."

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 1:13 AM

Sept. 14, 2007 — -- The controversial O.J. Simpson book "If I Did It," a so-called hypothetical account of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman ghostwritten by Pablo Fenjves, was finally released in stores Thursday, after public outcry forced publisher HarperCollins to cancel its release.

In a new twist, the family of Ron Goldman now owns the rights to the book, allowing them to reap the lion's share of the profits from a book they initially called "disgusting" and "despicable."For Nicole's sister Denise Brown and her family, the Goldmans' decision to support the book's publication is an outrage and an affront to the memory of Nicole.

On "The Oprah Winfrey" show Thursday, Fred and Kim Goldman defended their decision to accept profits from Simpson's book, which will be published by Beaufort Books.

"Every penny we can take away from this monster is a piece of justice," Fred Goldman said.

The Goldmans have been unable to collect any money from the $38 million wrongful death civil judgment they won against Simpson.

Simpson, in fact, has said, "If I have to work pay them, I won't work. It's that simple. So I'll just play golf every day."

Goldman added that he hopes the book's publication could actually help victims of domestic violence.

"I hope that one single woman in an abusive relationship reads this book and says, 'God, that could be me. I have to get out and save my own life,'" Goldman said. "One single woman will be worth it."

Denise Brown said today on "Good Morning America" she doesn't see it that way, calling any profits from "If I Did It" "blood money."

"To me it's going to promote more killings instead of helping victims of domestic violence, who already know they're living a nightmare," Brown told Diane Sawyer.

"We don't need to promote O.J. Simpson. We don't need to sensationalize him," she continued. "He's a psychopathic, narcissistic killer."

Brown said the book sullies the memory of her sister, who she said loved her family first and foremost, especially her children, Justin, now 19, and Sydney, 22.