Hay ...Will You Marry Me?

Texas man proposes to girlfriend using haystacks in field.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 19, 2007, 12:39 PM

Sept. 19, 2007 — -- Each of us has our own way of expressing love. Lawrence Hegar of Hockley, Texas, found his inspiration from a field of hay.

"It's something I always thought about doing," he said.

Hegar fired up his hay machine and flattened several bales of hay. Soon he had spelled out five special words for the love of his life, Christina Gilbert. "CC will u marry me?"

"I just tried to make it nice and neat as possible," he said.

With the lettering finished, there was only one thing left: Without tipping her off, Hegar had to persuade Gilbert to climb on a plane.

He told her that his mom, a photographer, wanted to take pictures of the field from the air. Gilbert agreed to come along and it was a ride she'll never forget.

"Honestly, I couldn't have dreamed it better. I'm a big fairy-tale girl," Gilbert said. "I couldn't move my toes. I couldn't move my hands. Anyways, it was a dream come true."

Hegar acknowledged other marriage proposals will probably pale in comparison.

"Sorry fellas," Hegar said. "I set the bar pretty high. We weren't sure exactly how it was going to turn out. We just kind of took a shot in the wind and said I hope it looks good."

But Hegar didn't have to worry. She said yes within seconds of seeing the massive message. "I'm wicked excited," Gilbert said. "Needless to say, I love him."