Beth Holloway: A Mother Copes

Two years after Natalee's disappearance, Beth Holloway continues to search.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 2, 2007, 9:37 AM

Oct. 2, 2007 — -- It's been more than two years since the nation was gripped by the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, an all-American girl and straight-A student who simply vanished while on vacation in Aruba.

For her family, especially her mother, Beth, it was the beginning of a desperate search for a beloved daughter.

"It's been a long journey, you know. I can't believe it's been over two years, but time is healing and I think I'm getting to a good part, good point in my life," Holloway told Chris Cuomo on "Good Morning America."

She's written a book about the love and faith that sustained her during her search for her daughter and to this day: "Loving Natalee, a Mother's Testament of Hope and Faith: The True Story of the Aruba Kidnapping and Its Aftermath."

Natalee vanished from the island of Aruba on the night of May 29, 2005. She had been at Carlos and Charlie's bar, with friends, but was later seen getting into a car with three boys. She was never heard from again.

Joran van Der Sloot, Satish Kalpoe and Deepak Kalpoe gave conflicting accounts of what happened, but were never charged.

Desperate for clues, family and friends flew to Aruba, spending months in 2005 scouring the island and battling the authorities for answers.

This weekend, Holloway traveled to Aruba still looking for clues.

She said on this trip, she saw some alarming things, namely, the lack of change.

"I discovered when I returned to the island is things are pretty much the same. My hopes are that things will change as far as, being able to find the correct police officials on the island of Aruba," Holloway said, adding that it concerned her that she was still unable to locate officers, even inside of the precinct.

Holloway said she believes the investigation of her daughter's disappearance has fallen from the forefront of Aruban tasks and has since become primarily a responsibility of Dutch investigators in the Netherlands.

In California, though, a judge has ordered the Kalpoe brothers to turn over communications.