Parents Say Police Didn't Go Far Enough to Help Abused Teen

A 17-year-old murdered by abusive ex-boyfriend had called police several times.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 21, 2008, 10:28 AM

Feb. 21, 2008 — -- Natasha Hall was a beautiful high school student who dreamed of joining the Air Force and one day having a career in journalism. Those dreams ended when she was shot and killed by her abusive ex-boyfriend and now her family and friends have charged that police didn't do enough to protect her.

On Feb. 15, Natasha and her best friend, Michelle Karpowicz, went to Natasha's house to grab a change of clothes before they went out. Clay Kufner, Natasha's 19-year-old ex-boyfriend, was hiding in bushes nearby and emerged with a gun when he saw the girls coming.

"He looked so sick and dark, like he was on drugs," Michelle said.

Michelle says she screamed to warn Natasha, but Kufner pulled the trigger, shooting Natasha, 17, in the head.

"Then he pointed the gun at me and then shot Natasha again, a second time," Michelle said.

This time Kufner hit her in the chest, and Michelle ran to get help. Kufner pulled the trigger a third time, killing himself.

Natasha's mother, Cheri Hall, came home from dinner to find her house wrapped in police tape. "My heart sank," she said.

When Natasha began dating Kufner, Hall would never have imagined the couple's relationship would end in violence.

"He told me he's a straight-A student, from a middle-class family, and it sounded like the perfect relationship," Hall said.

But soon Kufner started getting jealous and began telling Natasha what to do.

Hall said Kufner would tell Natasha she couldn't wear certain outfits to school because they were too provocative and other guys might look at her. The couple began to fight more and more.

Police records show that Natasha and her mother called Florida's DeLand Police Department several times to report problems with Kufner. They called once when Kufner pushed an ice cream cone in Natasha's face so hard she was bruised. Another time he dragged her out of a store because she refused to go home with him.

Once when Natasha tried to kick him out of her house, he hit her. In a statement to police, Natasha wrote that Kufner "became angry enough to … punch me in my lip. I started screaming and crying as blood was gushing down my lip."