Time Traveling, Long Distance Thank You

"GMA" wants to hear about someone who changed your life way back when.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 7, 2008, 11:55 AM

  -- Is there someone special you want to thank for something they did long ago?

We are continuing our special "Thank You" series and want to know if you have a great story you'd like to share with us about someone that you want to thank in a special live surprise on "GMA. "

Who in your life, even in passing or someone you barely knew, did an amazing thing for you or your family? Perhaps someone who did something special for you many years ago who you were never able to thank? Here's your chance.

Who do you want to thank? Tell us why. Send us your contact information below and briefly tell us about a unique person who made a difference in your life. A "GMA" producer may contact you for more information.

Thank you.