Family Asks for Help in Finding Missing Girl

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 26, 2005, 2:07 PM

Feb. 26, 2005 — -- Mark Lunsford, the father of the 9-year-old Florida girl who vanished from her bedroom earlier this week, made a tearful plea for information on the whereabouts of his missing daughter.

"I don't care who you are," said Lunsford on "Good Morning America." "Drop her off on the corner and call me. I'll come get her. I just want my daughter."

Jessica Lunsford, who lives with her father and his parents in the rural town of Homosassa, disappeared from her bedroom sometime on Wednesday night after she was tucked into bed by her grandmother.

Mark Lunsford returned from a girlfriend's house on Thursday morning and heard his daughter's alarm clock ringing. When he went to her room, he found her gone.

Police say there were no obvious signs of a break-in. In fact, police say nothing was missing from the girl's room, except for a doll, which they would not describe. The girl was wearing only a pink nightgown and white shorts, but no shoes, according to police.

Lunsford says he does not believe his daughter would have run away.

"Jessie was very happy with her grandmother, her father, her grandfather. It was her choice to even be here in Florida," he said.

Jessica's mother, Angela Bryant, lives in Ohio and reportedly has not seen her daughter in years. She was questioned by the FBI and told The Associated Press she doesn't know where her daughter is.

Police are following up on leads as they come into the office, and hundreds of volunteers continue to search the area around the Lunsfords' home. Citrus County Sheriff Jeff Dawsy told the Associated Press that Jessica's disappearance was not a confirmed abduction and he hadn't ruled out anything.

Lunsford made a special plea to truck drivers during his appearance on "Good Morning America," saying that both he and his father had been truckers.

"I need your help, fellas," said Lunsford, with tears in his eyes. "I mean, you travelmillions of miles in your life. You cover a lot of ground. I just beg of you to please helpme find my daughter."

Anyone with information on Jessica Lunsford should call the Citrus County Sheriff's Office at (352) 726-1121 or (888) 269-8477.