Justin Timberlake Shines at ESPY Awards

Robin finds out what Justin Timberlake is up to at the ESPYs.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 1:06 AM

July 18, 2008 — -- Justin Timberlake can seemingly tackle any show business challenge: From song to dance to comedy, he's a triple threat. But he faced a famously tough crowd this week -- some of the world's biggest and best athletes -- at the 16th Annual ESPY Awards, which he hosted in Los Angeles Wednesday night and which will air Sunday on ESPN.

The Grammy Award-winning singer met backstage with "Good Morning America's" Robin Roberts, who attended the Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly Awards to present the Jimmy V Award for Perseverance.

Timberlake, posing in various athletic stances, entertained Roberts backstage.

"My friend, you stuck the landing! It was a perfect 10! You stuck the landing," Roberts said of Timberlake's antics on stage.

Timberlake had entertained the sports crowd, saying, "I decided to go do some research and find out what's going on this year in the world of sports."

He then proceeded to show a video of an angry Mike Gundy, Oklahoma State University football coach, during a news conference, into which he cut spoof video of himself as a reporter:

"Were you or were you not a fan of 'N Sync'?" Timberlake "grilled" Gundy, following up with: "Why do you have a picture of the Jonas Brothers on your desk? We've all seen it! It's right under your Hannah Montana poster."

After the show, Roberts asked Timberlake how he felt about his performance.

"I thought it was fun," Timberlake said. "The bottom line is, I said, 'OK, I got all these athletes in the room.' I mean, at least 40 percent of the crowd is, like, world-famous, legendary athletes. Brett Favre is in the crowd. That dude is my hero."

And his respect for Favre, it seems, is mutual. "Watching that makes me want to play again," Favre said after watching one of Timberlake's comedy clips.

Backstage, Timberlake told Roberts that, "I am starstruck. I mean, I grew up such a sports nut, and I'm still such a sports nut. If we would have had a conversation when I was 14 years old, I mean you could not convince me that I was not going to play in the NBA."