Congress to Review 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

A retired Navy officer describes her career under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 19, 2008, 11:14 AM

July 19, 2008— -- Ahead of a House subcommittee meeting this Wednesday on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," a new ABC News/Washington Post poll shows a remarkable turnaround on how people feel about gays in the military. When President Bill Clinton issued this policy in 1993, 44 percent of Americans supported the idea of letting gays serve openly. Today, 75 percent of Americans support it.

Back then, it was essentially a compromise that permitted homosexuals to serve in the military as long as they remained quiet about their sexuality. Clinton called it "a real step forward."

While some legislators at the time didn't think the bill went far enough, it did have support from many of the top commanders in the service. But the debate continues 15 years later.

After nearly three decades of distinguished military service, Ret. Navy Capt. Joan Darrah may not have been asked, but today she is more than ready to tell.

"I was in the Navy probably eight or nine years before I came to accept the fact that I was gay," Darrah told "Good Morning America." "And at that point, was doing pretty well in my career. So I opted to stay in."

For the last 20 years of her career, Darrah lived two separate lives, she said.

"I had to keep my personal life completely separate from work. I would go to work and if my partner needed to call me, I would ask her to have a [male] co-worker call me rather than have her call me at work."

Capt. Darrah maintained her "two lives" throughout her military career, always fearful that her secret would someday be revealed.

"When the admiral would call me into his office, 99 percent of me would be certain that he wanted to talk about something operational," Darrah said. "[But] there was always a little fear in the back of my mind that somehow I had been outed and that he was calling me in to tell me that I was being fired."

Although Darrah never was fired, many other gay military personnel have been. More than 12,000 gay and lesbian men and women have been dismissed from the armed forces since "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was signed into law, according to a service members advocacy group.