Helping the Wallet and the Environment: GMA's Carpool Challenge

Check out the latest in the challenge, get tips and see how you can save.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 21, 2008, 7:35 AM

— -- This is the week of "Good Morning America's" Carpool Challenge and eight carpooling teams from around the country have piled into their cars, co-workers shoulder to shoulder with co-workers, to do their part for the environment and their wallet.

Though four teams out of the Pitney Bowes company in Stamford, Conn. are being followed on the show, an additional four teams across the nation are being tracked here.

Read their blogs, check out a savings calculator and additional resources to find out how carpooling could change your commute and maybe, your world.

Four teams from Golden, Col. to Worcester, Mass. joined the Carpool Challenge to see what happens when they forsake the privacy of their commute to make their wallet, and the environment a little greener. Follow the links below to see what they've had to say so far.

Team Cartus Blog - Danbury, Conn.

Team Brown Caldwell - Golden, Col.

Team Allegro Blog - Worcester, Mass.

Team Metametrix Blog - Atlanta, Ga.

Some people have found they can save up to $3,000 a year by carpooling. Click here to see how much you could save.

Finding people to carpool with may seem like a difficult proposition, but thanks to the internet, there are several tools are available to help.

Commuter Choice works to find solutions for their employee's commuting difficulties. The website provides commuter information for cities across the nation, showing cheap and green ways to get around.Click here to visit the site.

At eRideShare commuters can register to become part of a large database of carpoolers. From there they can browse listings for other people looking for carpool buddies and together, they can save big. Click here to check out the site.

With Ridester, carpoolers can search by zip code to find other carpoolers in their area. Become a member and offer, or just browse the listings for ridesharing around where you live. To see what Ridester can do for you, click here.