Meet the Joneses Part III: Education

In part three of the series, "GMA" looks at education and the average family.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 27, 2008, 6:23 AM

Aug. 27, 2008 — -- As the administration of George W. Bush comes to an end, across the nation schools are living in the shadows of the controversial "No Child Left Behind" initiative.

With education issues in mind, "Good Morning America" met another family of Joneses to see how the current system is working for them and to find out how they hope the next president will be able to change things for the better.

Adele and Stephen Jones live in Pennsylvania. Adele, a nurse, and Stephen, a university administrator, are worried about the education of their two children, Stephanie, 12, and Stephen, 17.

"Everyone wants the best education they possibly can for their children," Stephen said.

So when their kids were zoned to a failing public school, the Joneses said the only way to find a better school was to move.

"We're really interested in having our children go to college," Stephen said. "And we didn't see that a lot of those children were able to make it into college."

According to Adele, every private high school in the area with a good reputation costs more than $25,000 per year.

"[It's] very sad," she said.

Even finding a new public high school would not solve all the Jones' problems.

Stephen, a straight-A student, would likely be attractive to many colleges, but his parents do not know if they can afford it.

According to the Barack Obama camp, the presumptive Democratic nominee's plan does support public charter schools, but it opposes vouchers to help parents send their kids to private school.

Melody Barnes, domestic policy advisor for the Obama campaign, suggests that families, like the Joneses, look at "charter schools and magnet schools available to them as well."

"We want to make an investment in our public schools," Barnes said in an interview with "Good Morning America."

As far as getting Stephen to college, the Obama plan would offer a $4,000 tax credit for higher education for families making up to $110,000.

But the credit would not be enough, according to the nonpartisan Urban Institute.