Victoria's Secret: Formaldehyde in Bras?

A class action suit claims Victoria's Secret bras cause injuries.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 10, 2008, 7:33 PM

Nov. 11, 2008 — -- The secret is out for one of the world's most recognizable lingerie brands, according to a potential class action lawsuit in which consumers claim they've experienced very uncomfortable symptoms, like rashes, hives and permanent scarring from Victoria's Secret bras.

"I had the welts ... very red, hot to the touch, extremely inflamed, blistery. It itched profusely," said Roberta Ritter, who describes herself as a longtime Victoria's Secret shopper. "I couldn't sleep, waking up itching.

"I was just utterly sick," she added.

Ritter, 37, filed a lawsuit against the company May 14 in relation to the Angels Secret Embrace and Very Sexy Extreme Me Push-Up bras she said she purchased.

But the Ohio resident isn't alone in her complaint. Her lawyers said dozens of other women have contacted them with similar claims involving a number of the intimate brand's collections. Many seek to be a part of the potential class action lawsuit.

"I was floored. I thought, 'I have to come out with this. The can of worms has to be opened because it's not just me, it's other people as well,'" Ritter said.

The medical Web site also features numerous complaints against the underwear company.

"I, too, had an awful itchy, red splotchy rash from the Secret Embrace bras," one poster complained.

A Victoria's Secret spokesperson admitted the company had received direct complaints from customers, but added the bras remain on store shelves.

The company said it is investigating complaints and released a statement that said, "We are sorry that a small number of people have had an issue and we want to help them determine the cause.

"Customer safety and satisfaction are always our primary concerns and we take seriously any issues our customers may have with our products," the statement continued.