Cuomo on the Hot Seat

Chris Cuomo answers your questions during the lightning round of the Hot Seat.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 20, 2008, 8:30 AM

Nov. 20, 2008 — -- After Chris Cuomo told viewers about his friendship with Sam Champion and his commitment to his children, "Good Morning America" put him to the test with the questions that you submitted.

How did he fair on the Hot Seat? You decide.

Be sure to read to the end, when a surprise caller asked a question or two he already knew the answer to.

Question: Who is your celebrity crush and did you blush when interviewing her?

Answer: Oh, female? My celebrity crush. Let me think. I don't know that I have one. This is a tough one. Kate Beckinsale -- looks like my wife. I'll go with her.

Question: With your crazy schedule, what do you Tivo?

Answer: I don't Tivo. Christina [Cuomo] Tivos. If I'm not on this show, I don't watch.

Question: How much did your wife want to kill you when she saw you jumping off that building?

Answer: She packed the bags. Mario was sick. She was so taken with him being ill, she didn't see it.

Question: Were you bullied in high school?

Answer: I was bullied. I took a little beating. I was a chubby kid.

Question: What's your No. 1 most embarrassing moment?

Answer: We're building toward it right now. I think some of my classic mistakes I've made on this show were good ones. "GMOO" instead of "GMA." I have a good one just about every day.

Question: Fess up and tell us, what are your vices?

Answer: Vices. I eat tons of dried meat -- sausages and things like that. I have trouble with polite language. I have a temper. That's why I have to go to church. I have to go to church every Sunday to make up for bad weeks.

Question: Do you have any plans to enter the political arena, following your father's and your brother's footsteps?

Answer: No, I'm a voter. I am proud of my father and my brother. My brother fills the political space in the Cuomo family.

Then the surprise guest caller -- Chris' big brother and the attorney general of New York, Andrew Cuomo. After swearing Chris in, Andrew got to the hard questions.

Question: We hear about the good-looking Christopher, which I really get a kick out of now. Was it true that you were really a rolly-polly youth?

Answer: I was a rolly-polly but don't make fun, because we look exactly alike.