'GMA' Job Fair Success Stories

The "GMA" Job Fair's next stop is in south Florida.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 27, 2008, 7:29 AM

Nov. 27, 2008 — -- Even as unemployment has risen, we're more determined than ever to find pockets of optimism and job success.

"GMA's" Great American Job Fairs have already resulted in dozens of hires, which is very good news. Among the successes: Jackson Hewitt in Atlanta has hired tax preparers for the upcoming busy season. Ryla, which runs a comprehensive call center for corporations, made five hires at our Atlanta event. And just yesterday—less than one week after our Chicago job fair—Aramark announced nine hires directly from that event and said that several other candidates are interviewing for many of the 58 openings in that city. More success stories are on the way.

Next step: South Florida. Click here for a list of participating employers or to RSVP for this event, which will take place on Thursday, Dec. 11, 6-9 a.m. at the Diplomat in Hollywood.

At the same time, the "GMA" Job Clubs are busy around the country.

Click here to join or to learn more about this mission.

While I'm thrilled for the efforts of all of our groups—from the Salty Legs in Boston to the CareerWorks Catalyst Club in New Jersey to Alabama's Career Connect Club—I'm especially proud of the Chesapeake Bay Club in Virginia.

Spend two minutes watching their story on the local ABC station, WVEC 13.

Not only do they meet weekly, but group leader Laurie Baggett also secured free haircuts and image makeovers for every member.

Baggett says a polished image, including a good hair style, is not a luxury, but rather a necessity in this job market. She suggests approaching a salon in your area by playing off the holiday season.

"This year people are not asking for a new TV, but rather a new job," says Baggett, who successfully swayed Anthony & Company to donate its services. "I'd ask, 'Will you take part in helping this Christmas wish come true for 12 people?'"

Baggett is so passionate about the concept that she's willing to call salons on behalf of GMA Job Clubs anywhere in the nation. She also believes the salon's kind gesture for job club members can be leveraged to generate positive publicity and word of mouth for the salon and the club members. That in turn can lead to new clients and job offers.