Jail Releases Casey Anthony Visitation Videos

Mother of missing tot Caylee cries and laughs with family in jail conversations.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 5, 2008, 8:47 AM

Dec. 5, 2008 — -- Police have released new videos of Casey Anthony talking with her family during jailhouse visits just days after she was arrested in connection with the July disappearance of her daughter, 3-year-old Caylee Anthony.

In the more than 300 minutes of video released by the Orange County Sheriff's Department, Casey Anthony is shown laughing, crying and growing frustrated with the investigation and her family's questions.

When her mother, Cindy Anthony, confronted her with lead Detective Yuri Mellich's suspicions that she had had something to do with Caylee's disappearance, her daughter dodged the issue.

"Yuri [Mellich] has it set in his mind. He thinks you've done something to Caylee," Cindy Anthony told her. At that point, her daughter got up and, when she returned, steered the conversation in a different direction.

Casey Anthony also said that she knows the conversations are being recorded and said,"there are things [she] directly needs to say" to each of her parents.

And to her missing daughter, Caylee, Anthony asked her mother to pass along a message that "Mommy loves her very much, and that she's the most important thing in this entire world to me. And to be brave."

Two months after the conversations took place, on Oct. 16, Casey Anthony was charged with first degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter and four counts of lying to investigators. She has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Caylee Anthony has been missing since June but was not reported missing until a month later.

Despite a nationwide search effort, Caylee has not been found and evidence of decomposition was found in the trunk of the car Caylee's mother was driving before her arrest, according to investigators.