A's For Your Medical Bill Q's

Health care savings expert Michelle Katz answers your questions.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 2:10 PM

Jan. 8, 2009 — -- After her husband had a heart attack, Michelle Katz saved $7,000 just by reading her husband's medical bills closely.

Katz recounted on "Good Morning America" today her horrifying ordeal in saving her husband's life and then battling hospital billing errors.

Read her full story here.

After the show, Katz offered to answer your online questions. Well, you asked, and now she answers.

Both the questions and the answers have been condensed or edited. If you do not see the answer to your question here, you may find it at www.michellekatzmsn.com.

Question: After my husband's gall bladder surgery I requested an itemized bill and tried to dispute some of the charges. I was right by his side the entire time he was in the hospital and I know what he was given. One of the more obvious mistakes was charging us for five IV's when he only had three. The hospital's response was to turn my bill over to the collection agency. No negotiating, no response, nothing. Even though it's too late for me, what recourse would you have in that situation? What do you do when they won't respond to your questions and you can't afford an attorney?

- From Judy in Prattville, Ala.

Answer:It would be a good idea if you have documentation to let your state health commissioner, state attorney general, or the proper "state department" know what is going on so it may be investigated in the future.

If you have insurance, let the insurance company know as well as your doctor.

Many people who have insurance do not realize there is a cap. These "little" charges add up and may cause them to be without insurance in the future because they exceeded their cap. BE CAREFUL! The more people that are aware, the more people you can help in the future.

However, when you do locate the proper agency in your state to complain to, state the FACTS only. Keep it to one page and attach your documentation (some agencies have downloadable forms that you must fill out). Also cc the hospital so they are aware the measures you have taken.