Bringing Ballet to Baghdad

A ballet school in Baghdad recovers as the war progresses.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 19, 2009, 8:32 PM

March 20, 2009 — -- Step by delicate step, the search for beauty continues at the Baghdad Ballet School. In a city recovering from war, the institution almost didn't make it.

When they dance for two or three hours they forget all about the war, according to their teacher. And that is why they are happy at the school.

Two years ago, piano players left because of death threats, and the pupils danced without music. Last year the school was down to just four students.

But today the school had rebounded. As security has improved and many families have come back to the area from foreign countries including Turkey, Syria and Jordan, the institution's enrollment has risen. Now, 24 students attend.

"I was very happy to come back," said Hussam, a student at the school, "to my country and my school."

His teacher hopes one day the school will have enough performers to put on a full ballet of "The Nutcracker," which requires a cast of 50.

Even with all the progression, the children know the war isn't completely over.

"We feel safe," said student Nizan," but there are still some explosions in the streets."

But things have improved so much, they can now focus on the Arabian dance or the Dance of the Swans, as their country puts itself together again, step by delicate step.