Follow Chris and Sam on Twitter

They travel everywhere to bring the story to you. Now follow their every move.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 30, 2009, 2:16 PM

March 30, 2009 — -- When your name is Chris Cuomo or Sam Champion, life can get pretty interesting.

Like when Chris took a tumble while sand boarding or when he rode up the tallest building on the planet in Dubai.

Or that time Sam went ziplining in the Amazon rain forest or when he took flying lessons.

Even when they're not putting themselves in harm's way for a little fun, the experienced anchors are doggedly chasing down the stories of the day -- whether it's Chris cutting through the red tape, or Sam standing in floodwaters -- to bring the news straight to your living room.

Now you can see how they do it and get never-before-seen access to the anchors on an up-to-the-minute basis on Twitter. Along with "GMA's" Twitter page, both Chris and Sam have launched their own pages just for you, America.

Click on their names to check out Chris' and Sam's Twitter pages.

While you're cruising around the Web, also stop by "GMA's" Facebook page and become a fan of the show.