405-Pound Combined Weight Loss: Three Women Discuss How They Slimmed Down

Three women lost more than 100 pounds each in an effort to get fit and healthy.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 26, 2009, 7:35 AM

May 26, 2009 — -- The thought of appearing in public in a two-piece bathing suit would have once terrified Rachael Wyrick, Birdie Varnadore and Heather Petrie.

But after losing a combined 405 pounds, not only do the women no longer fear the bikini, they decided to pose in often fear-inducing beachwear for People magazine's annual weight loss issue, which highlights those who've lost 100 pounds or more.

While Wyrick, Varnadore and Petrie used different methods for their massive weight loss, they've all been able to keep the pounds from reappearing for months and in one case years.

Wyrick's weight-loss journey began in 2006 when she enrolled in LA Weight Loss, a program that relies on a healthy menu and weekly visits to a coach who provides support.

The 35-year-old Knoxville, Tenn., native relied on Southern comfort foods like macaroni and cheese for her daily regimen. Her turning point came when she saw her older family members develop illnesses like heart disease and hypertension. She realized it could happen to her too.

"After I had my son and quit nursing him, I decided it was time to get fit for my family," she said on "Good Morning America" today.

At 5 feet 7 inches, Wyrick weighed in at 252 pounds at her all-time heaviest weight. But in a little more than a year, she was able to shave off 112 pounds and get to a fit 140-pound figure. She did that in part by heading to the gym for walks after she put her children to bed.

For more than two years, the housewife has been able to keep the weight off by doing things like chewing gum when she cooks so that she doesn't keep sampling the food before it's time to eat.

The mother of 5-year-old Maddie Jo and 3-year-old Luke said she has no desire to lose any more weight.

Budget Tip: Wyrick cuts her weekly food bill by about $50 by packing healthy snacks, including all kinds of unsalted nuts and raisins.