Alleged Abduction Hoax Daughter Says Trip Was 'Fun'

"GMA" Exclusive: Family of Bonnie Sweeten asks authorities to cut her "a break."

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 1, 2009, 8:40 AM

June 1, 2009 — -- When 9-year-old Julia Rakoczy's mother, Bonnie Sweeten, took her on a trip to Disney World last week, Julia said the trip seemed "normal" and was "fun."

But it turned scary, the girl said, when she saw her own picture splashed across the television as part of an amber alert.

Julia's mom, who neighbors called the picture of a suburban housewife, had taken her to Orlando, Fla. from their Feasterville, Pa. home allegedly as part of an elaborate abduction hoax which spawned a massive, nationwide hunt.

In their first live interview, Julia, her sister Paige and her father Tony Rakoczy talked to "Good Morning America" about the ordeal.

"We talk a little bit about it... [Julia] tells us a little bit more and we kind of process the whole thing," Rakoczy, Sweeten's ex-husband said. "We're kind of taking it slow. We're trying to make sure these guys [Julia and Paige] are doing fine... their mother doing what she did... it's just hard."

Sweeten is undergoing counseling, treatment Rakoczy said is "something that we feel is needed."

Sweeten was released from Bucks County Jail Saturday after posting $100-thousand dollars in cash -- 10 percent of the one million dollar bail order -- an unusually high amount for someone facing misdemeanor charges.

Sweeten is facing identity theft and false reporting charges after allegedly calling 911 Tuesday and falsely claiming she and Julia, 9, had been kidnapped after a minor traffic accident in Upper Southampton Township, Pa., and stuffed into the trunk of a car.

But as officials followed up on the alleged emergency in Bucks County, Pa., they believe Sweeten actually was traveling with her daughter to Disney World under the name of a former co-worker. Police claim Sweeten drained several bank accounts and took the former co-worker's driver's license before boarding an Orlando-bound flight.

Rakoczy asked that authorities "cut her a little bit of a break."

"This whole media hype, it's not the person that she is," he said. "I've known her for 20 years."