Kate Gosselin: Jon Wanted Divorce

Jon and Kate Gosselin will rotate their time at home to take care of the kids.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 23, 2009, 7:07 PM

June 24, 2009 — -- Despite an announcement that divorce proceedings have begun, "Jon & Kate Plus 8" matriarch Kate Gosselin is still wearing her wedding ring because taking it off would devastate her children.

Kate Gosselin explained to People magazine in an exclusive interview that it was her husband of 10 years, Jon Gosselin, who asked for the divorce.

"I curled up in a ball and I sobbed. I couldn't breathe; I was hyperventilating. I was scaring people who were calling to check on me because I couldn't even talk," she told the entertainment magazine.

In a confessional during Monday's night's episode of "Jon & Kate Plus 8," she said she didn't want raise her children as a single parent.

"I don't really want to be alone. I don't want to do this alone," she said.

Gosselin said her husband wanted to split for a long time before he told her he hired a lawyer and advised her to do the same. She said it's a step she would have never taken on her own.

People magazine deputy managing editor Peter Castro told "Good Morning America" that the situation is "the portrait of an American family crumbling."

"They don't hate each other," he said, but "[Jon] did not want any part of counseling; he wanted out of this marriage."

"It's real reality television," he said.

The Gosselins admitted on Monday night's episode that they had been living increasingly separate lives for the past two years, and Kate Gosselin said the breaking point in the marriage was not a result of the show or tabloid scrutiny.

"I believe it is a chapter that would have probably would have played out had the world been watching or not," Kate Gosselin said.