Former 'Survivor' Producer Bruce Beresford-Redman Admitted Affair in E-Mails

Bruce Beresford-Redman told mistress his slain wife kept him from children.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 11, 2010, 6:06 PM

April 22, 2010— -- A series of e-mails sent among former "Survivor" producer Bruce Beresford-Redman, his slain wife and his alleged mistress could show evidence of a motive in the killing of Monica Beresford-Redman, according to her family.

The e-mails, obtained by RadarOnline, were found on Monica Beresford-Redman's home computer after her death this month. Her family brought them to Mexican authorities.

Monica Beresford-Redman's body was found April 8 in a sewer at the posh Cancun resort where she had been staying with her husband and their two young children. Her husband has been named a suspect, although no charges have been filed.

The e-mails, all written last month, show both Bruce and Monica Beresford-Redman communicating with alleged mistress Joy Pierce. Bruce Beresford-Redman wrote of wanting to be a better husband and father, but noted that his wife had denied him access to their children and home.

"She has gone even further than I thought she would," he wrote. "She has denied me access to my children. ... She has shut me out of my home, she has liquidated all my money and ... she has alleged at my daughters school that I am abusive and unfit."

Read more from the Beresford-Redman e-mails at

But he told Pierce in a separate e-mail that their affair had been a "mistake" and that he had come to realize that he was his happiest when he was with his wife.

"I will not be contacting you in the future and ask that you do not contact me either," the e-mail read. "It was just an affair for me, I am sorry that you became so involved."

He then pledged to "write to many women who I am inappropriate with and tell them that I am making changes."

There is also an e-mail from Monica Beresford-Redman to her husband's apparent mistress, titled "Tiger Bruce Attacks Again," in which she talked about recording him in the car and called him a "liar" and "my embarrassing husband."

"I just want to expose him, so he can feel stupid," she wrote to Pierce. "That will help me? Probably not, but he has to grow up one day."

In an e-mail to Monica Beresford-Redman, Pierce apologized for the affair and offered to help her however possible.

"I apologize for my involvement in the situation, but please know I was acting out of what I believed was pure love between the two of us," Pierce wrote.

But in a subsequent e-mail, Pierce tried to cut off contact, telling Monica Beresford-Redman, "I am no longer involved in your situation and would like to be left alone. Best of luck."

Former Los Angeles County prosecutor Robin Sax said the e-mails suggest less that Bruce Beresford-Redman could have "snapped" but that "there is evidence that this could be completely planned."

"As a 'Survivor' producer, Bruce made a living of getting things done in foreign countries," said Sax, who has no connection to the case.

Mexican authorities have said from the beginning that Bruce Beresford-Redman's account of his wife's activities before she disappeared in the days before her body was found don't match witness testimony.

"Everything that we have seen certainly points to Bruce as ... the only suspect," Sax said. "I think there's no one else for them to look at."