Suzanne Shaw Calls Christie Brinkley 'Dishonest,' 'Vicious' 'Disgraceful'

Suzanne Shaw attacks Christie Brinkley in a scathing statement.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 26, 2012, 12:23 AM

June 26, 2012 — -- Christie Brinkley and ex-husband Peter Cook have apparently come to a child custody settlement, but that hasn't stopped them from continuing their public war of words. And now Cook's new wife has joined in with her own scathing statement, calling Brinkley vengeful , disgraceful and "publicly vicious."

In the statement, which was obtained by ABC News Monday night, Suzanne Shaw accuses Brinkley of having told 10 lies about Cook and their court battle.

The lengthy statement starts off: "Christie, your dishonesty knows no bounds. Lie#1 If you had moved on from your marriage to Peter Cook we wouldn't have been hearing about it ad nauseam for the last 6 years."

In "Lie#5" Shaw writes: "Your one goal has not been to find peace. 4 years ago you fought to keep the courtroom open and have done everything since to engage in warfare and remain in the spotlight for same."

And in "Lie #10" she writes: "The only steps that were needed to protect your 'constitutional right to quiet enjoyment and peace and help avoid lengthy trials and tribulations that cost taxpayers money' were steps you yourself could have taken by not being so litigious and filing frivolous lawsuits and being so publicly vicious towards the loving father of your children. Peter has been your target (and me), but the sad reality is, it is Jack, Sailor and many other innocents … Your spiteful vengeance and continued punishment of Peter no longer fits the crime of his parenthetical infidelity against you 6 years ago. In fact, it never did. You are one of many women who have been cheated on, but one of few who have chosen to disgrace her entire family because of it. "

Brinkley and Cook have been in and out of court for years over custody of their teenage children, Sailor and Jack. They were to have gone back to court on Tuesday, but Brinkley confirmed a last-minute deal in a statement posted this evening on her Facebook page.

The statement, which Brinkley's post says comes from her lawyer, Thomas Campagna, takes exception to comments it says Cook made Monday, alleges Cook has from narcissistic personality disorder, alleges his communications were "abusive" and questions Cook's moral character.

"Any statements released by Peter Cook should be viewed in the context of his personal history of severe, and well documented, ethical and moral shortcomings, all of which are indicative of his lack of credibility," the statement said.

Shaw's statement is the latest acrimonious exchange involving her and Brinkley.

Last week, Brinkley was seen approaching Shaw and telling her, "When you find out he's been cheating on you, I'll be here for you."

Shaw replied that Brinkley should "come up with a new line," and later told reporters that the former supermodel was "stuck," adding, "she can't move on."

In March, Cook told ABCNews that Brinkley publicly castrated him and threw the family "under the bus" to generate publicity for her return to Broadway in "Chicago." Speaking to the New York Daily News, she accused him of plotting a "smear campaign" against her and "intimidation," following his 91-page court filing that alleged she owed him money.

The previous November, Brinkley filed court documents claiming Cook sent her "aggressive emails" and failed to pay child support. She sought $140,000 in fines and $32,000 for the children. Cook demanded $200,000 for similar accusations.

Brinkley, a former Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover model, divorced Cook in 2008 after he confessed to an affair with 18-year-old staff member Diana Bianchi and to viewing pornography online during the marriage.

He admitted to paying Bianchi $300,000 to keep the affair quiet.