Teacher Beating Video Highlights School Violence

Mother of beaten teen calls alleged attack "horrifying," wants teacher in jail.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 13, 2010, 8:19 AM

May 13, 2010 — -- Isaiah Johnson, 13, said he thought his teacher was "playing around" when she backed him into a corner at his Houston-area school. But then he quickly realized it was no joke.

"She started beating on her chest and she threw the desk and kicked the book," Isaiah told "Good Morning America" today. "I was ... frightened."

Teacher Sherri Davis then allegedly slapped and kicked Isaiah for nearly a minute.

"The teachers didn't break it up," Isaiah said. "They were just standing there, and she just stopped so I got up, and then I looked around and then I left."

Although the alleged incident took place weeks ago, a recently released cell phone video that captured the attack has sparked outrage across the nation.

Jamie's House Charter School, a school for students at risk where many of them have disciplinary problems, fired Davis but Isaiah's mother, Alesha Johnson, wants her put behind bars.

"It's horrifying," said Alesha Johnson, who didn't know about the alleged attack before seeing the video. "He had bruises on his side where she was kicking him. He had a knot on his head, and he had a black eye.

"There is nothing they can say ... a grown-up beating on a child is not right," she said.

Police are investigating.

Davis did not respond to "Good Morning America's" requests for comment.

While accounts of teachers attacking students are relatively rare, school violence in general is on the rise. More than 150,000 teachers reported they were attacked by studens t in the 2007-2008 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.