Tiger Woods Displays New Attitude Heading Into Masters

Reporters saw a new, softer version of world's most famous athlete.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 2, 2010, 4:18 PM

April 6, 2010— -- It appeared to be a different Tiger Woods who was on display yesterday when he practiced on the golf course and took questions from reporters ahead of this week's Masters Tournament.

The new Woods smiled on the course, waved to fans while practicing and took his time answering reporters' questions.

"He was more human I think than we have seen him ever, certainly at the Masters," USA Today sports columnist Christine Brennan said. "The things that Tiger admitted to, the things he said, the things he was sorry about, those are words we have never heard Tiger say a few years ago or even a few months ago."

The news conference, held at the Augusta, Ga., club, was Woods' first extended question and answer session with reporters since a sex scandal derailed his career nearly five months ago.

"I made a conscious decision to try and tone down my negative outbursts and consequently I'm sure my positive outbursts will be calmed down, as well… Just trying to be more respectful of the game and acknowledge the fans like I did today," Woods told reporters Monday.

Acknowledging the fans is a change for Woods, Brennan said, because he usually doesn't pay much attention to the gallery.

"It will be interesting to watch the next couple of days when he plays if that affects him. That is not what Tiger normally does, being nice to the gallery. He normally is so focused, so let's look for that concentration and see how it impacts his play on the course," Brennan said on "Good Morning America" today.

In a reference to his aloof treatment of his fans over the years, Woods said, "That was wrong of me."

Woods told reporters he did not know what to expect coming into the tournament, but was pleasantly surprised by his reception.

"What a great day today," Woods told a hand-picked room of reporters. "Coming in today I didn't know what to expect. The galleries couldn't be nicer. The encouragement that I got, blew me away to be honest with you."