Transcript: Laura and Barbara Bush Talk to GMA Anchor Robin Roberts

Laura Bush says finger-pointing is counter-productive.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 3, 2010, 10:59 PM

June 4, 2010 — -- Former first lady Laura Bush sat down for an interview with "Good Morning America" anchor Robin Roberts on Thursday, June 3, 2010. The following transcript of their interview has been edited for clarity.

ROBIN ROBERTS: Now, to our exclusive interview with former first lady Laura Bush and her daughter Barbara. Just last night, Barbara presented her mother and her grandmother with an award for the volunteer work at the Covenant ... House for Homeless Youth. A cause very close to their hearts. It was the first time that we've had a chance to see the older Barbara Bush since she was hospitalized in March. And both Mrs. Bush and President Bush have written beautiful memoirs, so much to talk about this morning. And I really enjoyed reading your book.

LAURA BUSH: Thank you very much. Thanks, Robin.

ROBIN ROBERTS: We'll talk about that. In just a little bit of a moment. You must be so proud.

BUSH: I am very proud. I'm proud of my girl. And I've really loved having this-- friendship really and relationship with them now that they're grown. I loved having babies. And I just didn't know what I would think about big girls. But it's been really fun.

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ROBERTS: I've enjoyed watching you watching her. While we were getting ready the morning. And just -- just was such pride and -- and so, it's wonderful to see how she looks at you so lovingly. And so proud of you and the work that now three generations of Bush woman with Covenant House and know that you are on the board of directors. But you're also involved in other charitable work, too.

BARBARA BUSH: Yes. I started a nonprofit with a few partners a year ago. Called Global Health Corps and we -- our -- our mission is to recruit the next generation of leaders in global health. So, we really work with 22- to 30-year-olds. With very different skill sets, partnering them with nonprofits right now in East Africa and the United States to help build capacity in those nonprofits. And then hope that these -- that are fellows will be making change in the health field for the rest of their career.

ROBERTS: Working with youth. And that's the reason that you're being recognized, have been recognized, because of your work with Covenant House. And promoting literacy.

LAURA BUSH: That's right.

ROBIN ROBERTS: With … young people. What is it about Covenant House that really strikes a chord with --

LAURA BUSH: Well, Covenant House is really one of those examples, one of those great examples of something that was founded by one man, who housed six homeless children. Homeless boys that he met on the street, street kids.And now, is in 21 cities in the United States and Latin America. And is the largest shelter for homeless youth -- in the Americas. And it's jus t-- you know, another great example of American-- ingenuity as well as American generosity. And so, it's something that Barbara Bush, my mother in law had-- supported for many years. And so, this year they asked if they could honor Barbara Bush and me. And so, Barbara Bush Senior said yes, but she was going to play the age card, she couldn't come to the event. Barbara Bush Junior would accept for her. So, that's--