10 Ways to Stay Flu-Free

Experts explain how to avoid catching the flu this season.

ByABC News
September 11, 2008, 9:26 PM

Sept. 12, 2008— -- With flu season less than a month away, it isn't too soon to take steps to protect yourself from influenza.

Since the flu can knock you out for a couple of weeks, catching it can be a setback.

Simply watching out for co-workers who have it probably won't be enough, as they can contract the flu and pass it along well before symptoms show up.

"When we get infected with it, it can be up to two weeks before we actually get ill with it," said Dr. Ken Haller, an associate professor of pediatrics at St. Louis University.

And while antiviral medications may be able to reduce the amount of time it takes to recover, the best way to avoid the problems associated with the flu is to take precautions so you don't catch it in the first place.

Visit the OnCall+ Cold & Flu Center

Some of these suggestions are common sense, and should be done anyway, while others you may not have thought about.

"The vaccine is really important, and it's actually easier than ever because of the nasal, inhaled version of the vaccine," said Haller.

So between the inhaled FluMist and the needle-injected vaccine, you should be able to find a way to protect yourself this flu season.

For those without easy access to a sink, Haller recommends using an antibacterial hand gel, which he says is "just as good as hand washing."

"We'll tell people to keep one with you in your pocket or your purse or your car, when you're going from place to place."

Additionally, when sneezing or coughing, covering your nose and mouth with your elbow instead of your hand can help prevent spreading the flu to others -- as can washing your hands after blowing your nose.

Some of the germiest surfaces you come in contact with during the day will be in your office.

So keeping your work area clean may be one of the best ways to avoid picking up something that would keep you away from it.

The mucous is sent to the stomach, where the acids it produces destroy the invaders.

Because of that, keeping nasal passages moist is an important step.

"Humidifiers can be really helpful," said Haller.

Additionally, in dry air, particles like the flu virus can stay airborne longer. By moistening the air, the water droplets will adhere to the particles, sending them downward.

A study done at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine last year showed that, in gerbils at least, relative humidity and temperature had a lot to do with how much the influenza virus spread.

Haller recommends using a saline solution as well to keep the nasal passages moist. (For a video demonstration of how to do this, click here.)

"Since it's just saltwater … you can do it every couple hours if you need to," said Haller.

Even ensuring that you're drinking enough water, Haller said, can help keep the body moist enough to protect against the flu.

The increased circulation from exercise gets white blood cells moving around the body to help fight off infections.

But exercise may not do much once you have the flu. While people who feel up to it can exercise, as Dr. Lisa Bernstein, an assistant professor of medicine at Emory, explains, most are too tired to exercise when they have the flu.

"Get plenty of rest, so if you do get sick, you can get over it more quickly," said Fryhofer.

But because that won't always be an option, she advises simply being mindful when you do shake hands that you clean them -- either by washing or with a gel, shortly afterward.

"You have to know the person," Fryhofer said.

As many studies have shown, not everyone is going to go through the same effort to keep their hands clean, but while it may mean some extra caution on your part, there's probably little you can do about that.

"The main thing is just making sure your own hands are clean," said Haller.

"Generally, at some point, our hand goes to our nose, whether we like it or not, and that can transmit flu viruses from one person to another," said Haller.

Keeping your hands clean is one way to prevent the problem, but keeping them from your face may just be a matter of willpower.

While this advice may not help much if your food is being handled by someone with the flu, it can be helpful in many of the social situations in which finger food would be served.

If you're shaking hands with many people at a reception, you may not have the time or opportunity to wash up before digging in to dinner.

Using utensils can keep any viruses on your hands from traveling to your mouth.

Cigarette smoke can affect the membranes of the nose, inflaming them. Ultimately, this makes the nose more susceptible to infection.

And this doesn't just affect the smoker, but the people around him or her as well.

"If you can't quit, at least go outside when you smoke," said Haller.

That way, the risk to others can be reduced.

Cold & Flu season is here! Visit the ABCNews.com OnCall+ Cold & Flu Center to get all your questions answered about these nasty viruses.