Health Tip: Protecting Your Child at Day Care
ByABC News
October 21, 2008, 11:58 AM
Oct. 22 -- (HealthDay News) - Bacteria, viruses and other germs are easily passed between children at day-care centers.
Here are suggestions to reduce your child's risk of catching -- or spreading -- a nasty bug, courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine:
- Make sure your child washes his or her hands before eating and after using the bathroom.
- Encourage the day-care center to regularly sanitize toys.
- When your child is sick, keep him or her home from school.
- For your infant in day care, try breast-feeding to boost the infant's immune system.
- Encourage the day-care center to implement procedures to reduce the spread of germs.
- Encourage the daycare center to change diapers away from food preparation and serving areas.
- Remind staff that they and children at day care should be current with all recommended immunizations.