Health Tip: Your Pregnancy in the Third Trimester

ByABC News
July 30, 2009, 2:18 PM

July 31 -- (HealthDay News) -- It's your third trimester -- the home stretch of your pregnancy.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists offers this list of changes that you can expect during this period:

  • The movements of the fetus become stronger and more noticeable.
  • You may have difficulty catching your breath.
  • You may have to go to the bathroom more frequently, as the growing fetus presses on your bladder.
  • Early milk, called colostrum, may leak from your breasts.
  • Your belly button may stick out.
  • You may have pain or a tightening sensation in the belly (contractions), which can indicate either false labor or the real thing.